You just only did the most recent patch dungeons instead, because they gave the highest amount of relevant currency rewards (and gear if you needed it).
It’s the same thing but slightly worse?
You just only did the most recent patch dungeons instead, because they gave the highest amount of relevant currency rewards (and gear if you needed it).
It’s the same thing but slightly worse?
Because dungeons weren’t part of the tier, now they are. As you mentioned, M+ was introduced in Legion as such, we needed a better, more encompassing term for it, hence “seasons” replacing “tier.”
“seasons” are just another word for raid tiers
Dungeons just got added to the tier, because they are no longer absolutely useless.
Based on previous seasons, probably one week after 11.1 launches. Give players a week to get used to any talent changes etc before going into the new season.
It should be when 11.1 drops. Having new talent changes and reworks available could potentially throw off the rankings for S1 at the very end and Blizzard isn’t likely to allow that.
Seasonal content existed before WoW actually used the term seasons.
They were just called raid tiers and they were just about as long as the current ones were.