When did the WoW community get so political?

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Anyone else got any vampire stuff they would like to post do so here please. This thread is no longer poltical its all about vampires now!!!.

I think I’m tapped out on vampires.

Sexy, unlike politicians. (Palin fans shush)

One thing you’ll never see me complain about, politicians. Youtube George Carlin on politicians and you have my own views summed up right there.

Its an easy way to get under people’s skins. But also something thats grown more important to folk over the past couple years too. People just find to either jab their opinions where not desired, or just a means to anger folk since trolling is stupidly easy.

Politics are also something important to people regardless. The internet has made it easier to share them where desired… and undesired too.

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Mirriam Webster defines Bigot thusly: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bigot

Definition of bigot
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

I bring this up because you’ll find that bigotry (e.g. the act of being a bigot) is incredibly common, regardless of political stripes. Perhaps if people were a little less bigoted we’d all be better off.

I find if you actually listen to the source of people’s frustration there tends to be a kernel of pain or fear behind it that is completely different than the surface issue at hand. Addressing that tends to solve problems and potentially bring people together.


I think that is true, but we’ve also never had a political figure like Donald Trump.

Stop hjacking thread its about Vampires only now…

Vampires are lame. :stuck_out_tongue:

Agreed! But I also agree that WoW is really not the place.

you can only punch your buddies so many times before they start questionning your morale.

Happens every time a non-Democrat is elected. Since the media and Hollywood are Democrats, they tend to be supportive when one of their own is in office. When it is anyone else, they spend every second of every day crying about it. For those who watch TV or the media, they parrot what they hear.


I like how you’re conveniently forgetting that Fox exists.

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Very accurate. Every president is disliked, policy wise, by half or more of the country. Neither side is actually quiet about it, but Hollywood is very, very loud when conservatives are in power. I follow people on both sides on twitter. It’s amusing to see one post demonizing and followed by the next praising the same exact thing. Gives perspective and contrast.


He said the media. Fox is entertainment.

It has always been like this as far back as Classic. Granted its worse these days though. I blame Trump and rightfully so along with the extreme far left and extreme far right in this country.

I hate to break this to you OP, but political trolls were in game chat and forums long before they took over actual IRL politics.

If you know many conservatives, you should know full well the amount of crying that is done during democratic presidencies as well. That’s the nature of two-party politics. Half the country is almost always mad about what the other half is doing.

I do sometimes wonder if some people grew up in a bubble since you can find quite political entertainment going way back. Even Superman for instance.

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Fox news is owned by Democrats and is hardly a Republican news organization. Also, they get their news from the Associated Press, which is owned by Reuters.

i get it, you like echo chambers. It makes you feel good to have one news organization you can claim is not a Democrat soap box.

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