When blizzard tryd to make the game for everyone

Oh my…

Please read the thread.

Because sharding’s a result of the technology Blizzard is using to deliver their games to us. And if I wanted to play BFA, I’d be there already.

Thousands of people in one area and the server handled it fine. And this is a private server, not a billion dollar company.

It’s been a myth that servers can’t handle the load. That wasn’t even the problem on Vanilla’s launch. Read John Staat’s WoW Diary. The servers weren’t programmed right by the manufacturer.


They probably still aren’t. Not to mention Blizzard’s using a cloud system rather than old-fashioned server blades like the ones they auctioned off years ago.

You didn’t even bother to do the research on how they managed to handle that.

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Yes the same technology used to deliver us this “fantastic” expansion

On Northdale we would sneak attack the oppsite factions raid that would move towards moltencore fully buffed with world buffs, we did this with 60-80 man and we had no lag. If classic is going to end up being laggy I would consider quiting the game.

I’m not trying to say that the way the Pserver handles it to make it possible is they way to do it, but atleast they could handle it in one way or another.

I wouldn’t even point to server emulation as a viable comparison to how Blizzard handles things because of how shady that whole business is.

Well one thing to remember is classic is gonna be a lot less resource intensive than BFA is. You’re gonna have more than 80 people in a zone with minimal lag NP. Like people have already pointed out PServers can do it without the resources blizzard has. But on the other hand I’d imagine there’s gonna be a lot more people playing classic than you ever had on whatever the fotm PServer is.

Still ill take sharding over long queues/crashes and then dead servers a month later. Because that’s what’ll happen if there’s no sharding. It’s not optimal but it’s the best solution. It’s not gonna be the end of the world and the game won’t be “ruined forever” because they used sharding for a few weeks. Classic isn’t gonna grow exponentially like it did the first time around so mainting healthy servers post launch should be #1 priority.


Yeah, I don’t think these people get that we’re only defending sharding because we’d rather believe the people actually making the damn game over some know-it-alls on the forums on what goes into actually programming it. For all we know they may be stuck with an older version of cloud server hardware and can’t move away from it because all their Battle-net infrastructure requires it, and they can’t justify the cost and time spent migrating to a new system.


Yeah pretty much I really doubt blizzard is gonna build a whole new server farm just for classic. Anyone who thinks they are is just delusional. They’re gonna use the modern servers and everything that comes with it. At the end of the day I’m just happy to be getting classic, I never thought this would actually happen lol

Same! I’m pretty hyped for it. I’m still subbed in the off-chance Classic launches sometime during my six-month sub period, but I have BFA completely uninstalled from this machine.

You’re the living embodiment of why the Squelch imposed by players is a horrible idea.

“History always repeat itself”.

If human beings learn from their mistakes, they really had an opportunity to learn from their mistakes for thousands of years, there will be no wars. The new generation of developers from Activision-Blizzard will go through the same mistakes they have made, thinking this is the smartest decision to make more money.

Let’s make the game for everyone, the logic suggests in return it gives more profit. No, it does not. In long-term your loyal fans will not support you and as everyone knows popular culture supports only if it is a “trend”. Having a style always wins over the pop culture.