When blizzard tryd to make the game for everyone

They failed.

So how stupid must they be to try this again, using sharding. The one thing that ruines everything what classic is really about, social interaction… be it positive or negative.

If u can’t handle playing at launch day with lots of other people then simply don’t, this is no argument for sharding it’s only an argument for people who want to play like its a different game like bfa.

Blizzard really is going to sting themselfs with this “authentic experience”.


We really need more of these threads, like atleast 5 each week…


Thnx i’ll try my best! :rofl:


Fortunately the change of right click report is in so all those launch day d bags who cut in line to tap hogger can be reported by all the groups waiting in line.


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have fun getting reported for abusing the system.


When I played vanilla there were 10 people max running around valley of trials. When I got to the troll islands there was 3 ish people running around on a highly populated Hyjal server.

How would it be a vanilla like experience if we are competing with hundreds of level 2s to loot a cactus apple? That sounds like a private server experience…


You mean they didn’t try to from the very beginning?


Be careful you are going to be accused of being a bfa baby who wants everything handed to them and not play with other people…


WoW always was designed to be the easy mode MMO for everyone, that’s why they stripped out almost all the hard parts of an MMO.


Lol idc really.

Competing against a zerg of horde players to click cactus apples or tag mobs wasn’t a vanilla experience though.

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Been saying it since the nerfs started happening in Cataclysm, they tried to appeal to more casuals to get even more players but instead they just drove their old players away… and its still happening.

They never should of done that, made the game easier, leveling faster, removing talents, ability pruning… the game was fine before all that started to happen, all they did was make most of their core players quit.

Blizzard has a terrible habit of trying to fix what isn’t broke. They keep changing things just for the sake of changing things and can’t leave well enough alone. And that’s why where all here, waiting for Classic WoW because we all want to go back to before most of those changes.


Why not six?

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All they saw was short term profit, by catering to as many people who owned wallets as possible, with zero thought of the future. No foresight whatsoever.

Rather like saying “hey, this soup is good. I bet we could sell a lot more of it for less cost if we simply added water to it. And then more water, and more water and more water…”

Hey guys, we want the soup back.
“We lost the recipe”


I remember being in the Valley of trials, and I had to search a while to find cactus apples because of all the guys on that quest.

Sharding is literally the least-worst option they have available to them to fix the problem of server populations at launch. I’d rather it launch with sharding than end up being forced into realm merges later.

NO ONE can handle the sheer number of people at launch. Don’t kid yourself.

“Authentic experience” was in reference to game mechanics and graphics, not to how the servers are going to work.


A “problem” they themselves have created by bundling the subs. Normal server startup crowds are fine, and in fact many look back on them fondly. A ton of friends were made during those periods due to shared challenge and benefit of working together in groups. That period only happens one time on a server, and those who would rather avoid it could have simply not played until that period was over.

They caused a thing that sucks and may choose to combat it with something that also sucks.


You really think sharding’s going to keep you from making friends? Seriously?

No, normal startup crowds are NOT fine. Every single expansion launch has been a nightmare. Hell, Gates of AQ was a nightmare and that wasn’t an expansion launch. You’re going to have a crapload of people crowding zones and not only making it impossible for others to play, but also make it so that the servers are going to grind to a halt because of the load, assuming of course the launch of Classic is as large as some folks around here are hoping.

Blizzard said at Classic’s announcement that they want to recreate the Classic experience, but NOT THE LAUNCH EXPERIENCE. Nobody in their right mind wants the launch experience.


Server mergers sound too bad in stockholder meetings for them ever to do that. Hence, cross realm will eventually happen.

They’re also bad for other, more practical reasons.

Wow Dracarian whos alt are u?