When are Gdruid buffs coming?

Actually, no, you used it first, in post 20.

So honestly, I really have no idea what you’re going on about, but it’s certainly flying in the face of all the factcs.

And you’re replying to phantom posts nobody else can see.


I never said I didn’t use it first. I said I wasn’t replying to that poster. I was replying to the lock. The lock’s post was specifically about the word capable. Seriously get over yourself.

Prove it. Hire my Guardian druid to a Mythic Raid group. I’ll join no problem. I got the 15+ keystone last patch on it, so I should be more than capable.


There are way more tanks wanting raid spots than there are raid spots available.

Even if you find a guild in need of a tank - which is extremely unlikely - they’ll be able to take their pick of the litter. And there’s every reason to pick a Brewmaster or maybe a Blood DK over anybody else.


This is true.

But its mostly true for every role. The available pool outsizes the need in guilds clearing content. There are far more people who want to do content than guilds clearing content.

Maybe you aren’t getting into mythic raiding guilds because you haven’t cleared heroic, and getting KSM last patch is pretty meaningless right now considering there’s two new dungeons and a new seasonal affix.

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They need to rework brewmaster imo or it’s always going to be top pick. Taking barely any damage for pressing one button every 8 seconds is pretty unreasonable right now.

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Last patch I was 4/8 Mythic on my Gdruid. But never found a permanent spot so I quit early in this patch 8.3 that is the only reason I have not completed heroic on the druid.


I think when considering high keys Guardian is not the best tank. But the thought that they are way behind seems to be more of a perception problem.

If we look at the break down of tank representation in the top 100 there very clearly is a case to be made that its not just guardian that is suffering from representation at the the highest levels.

Why top 100? Because its an even number of pages on the rankings and there is a very clear drop in high keys during that range. For season 1 the 100th player did mostly 18’s and 19’s, while the 1st player did mostly 22’s and 21’s. There seems to be an approximately 2 key level spread on average between the 1st and 100th rankings. With the exception being season 2, where there was almost 4 key level spread.

For season 1, top 100 representation:
Guardian: 1
Dh: 6
Paladin: 5
DK: 64
Monk: 13
Warrior: 11

For season 2, top 100 representation:
Guardian: 0
Dh: 0
Paladin: 7
DK: 2
Monk: 1
Warrior: 90

For season 3, top 100 representation:
Guardian: 1
Dh: 3
Paladin: 4
DK: 0
Monk: 63
Warrior: 29

For season 4, top 100 representation:
Guardian: 5
Dh: 2
Paladin: 3
DK: 0
Monk: 13
Warrior: 76

Bears have had it the worst for sure when considering all the seasons.

But its not like DH’s and Paladins are far behind. And DK’s are only good in season 1, otherwise they are very comparably represented with Bears.

Gosh, whatever changed between seasons 3 and 4? It must have been all those amazing changes Blizzard made to bear tanks, right?

Couldn’t be anything else, could it? Nah.

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Yes, because corruptions make everything better which is why DK’s, DH’s, and Pally’s shot up in representation right?

No one deny’s that corruptions help. But Corruptions aren’t carrying anything.

Let’s take a test, lets exclude season 4, guardian is worst, but not much worse than DH or Paladin.

Now lets also exclude season 1, Paladin still has a slight advantage over guardian. But now suddenly there isn’t so much of a difference between G [0,1] and DK [2,0] or DH [0,3].

Go tank with a full TD or vers set, and without, and then come back and repeat that.


now do raid representation so we can find the real truth lol

Count up the tanks used in the Top 100 Mythic Nzoth kills.

Tell us how capable bears are!


Tewa I just looked at your accomplishments. They are pretty good.

Thank you! Hats off to my guild more than to me, though.

And I’m switching to this little guy in Shadowlands, like so many other bears.

Bonus: The Mistweaver doesn’t have to tag stuff to debuff it with the Monk debuff, anymore. (In fact he’s actually switching to Resto Shaman in Shadowlands, and that’s OK since I’ll provide Mystic Touch.)

Can’t beat staring down danger with nothing but a pair of tight shorts and an enormous butter knife.

Everyone can use them. Why didn’t they raise representation for DK’s, DH’s or Paladins?

Guardian went up in season 4, but not by much at all. Still in the single digits. Paladin and DH have both been in the single digits this whole expansion as well. In fact DH is less represented in raids than Guardian is. DK’s were only good for season 1, and have completely dropped off in mythic+ since, corruption didn’t help them.

If corruption is having an impact for guardian relative to other tanks, the impact is marginal at best.

They did.

You need to get over your obsession with the top 100 tanks and look at data for 15+ and 20+ keys, in aggregate.


For example:

Season 3, for 20+ keys:
Paladins were 14.4%
DK 8.9%
Druid 6.8%
DH 9.0%

Season 4, for 20: keys (so far):
Paladins 11.6%
DK 12.0%
Druid 10.4%
DH 20.7%

Everyone’s up compared to season 3, except Pallys and Monks.

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