Whem will layering be disabled?

I got ganked on my alt, wanted to gank back… however it would appear my alt was on a different layer… so i was denined justice as the gankers were on the same layer as my alt…

Didnt want to have to get my alt invited to a group and then my main invited to same group to jump layers…


Whem whill lawwering be disabwled

Hey bro, seems your keyboard malfunctioned

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I’m not your bro, pal

The only soft “confirmation” we have gotten is that it will be removed before phase 2.

When exactly that is going to be, no one is sure.

Never had a sister, so hey sis o/

Layering has never been an issue with me before, was just a small issue that may never happen again.

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Thankfully you handled it appropriately by making 500th version of this thread in the last week.

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If they got rid of it already we wouldn’t have to :wink:

Thanks for your diligence in counting them all, where would we be without our big sister =)

With that quick wit of yours I can see why you thought another thread was the answer. Never change, cause you probably can’t.

Incorrect. It is hard confirmation that in any and all Q&A’s, blue posts, and other communications that it will be removed BY phase 2. If they don’t, that will have been a lie, but it is official confirmation until then.

In some of the interviews I’ve seen, they always seemed very wishy-washy with the whole layering thing which is why I’m not too confident to say it’s a hard confirmation.

But maybe I missed some of those posts where they confirmed that they were going to remove it by then. I hope you’re right.

The whole plan/promise of by Phase 2 was made with an anticipation of a rapid drop-off in population. Once that actually happens, expect to see layering gone. Until then, unlikely.

This is the latest official word we’ve seen on it:

From Pazorax, Lead Software Engineer:

[Q: What are plans for phase 2 if some realms are horrifically overpopulated at 50K+ players? Will layering stay? ] https://old.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ct08c7/welcome_to_the_rclassicwow_subreddit_ama_with_the/exi3y2l/?context=3

A: We’re absolutely committed to reaching one layer per realm by Phase 2.

From this post after the AMA via Kaivax:

Sorry the formatting is weird… it’s due to my trust level not being high enough.

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I wonder how they are going to handle AQ gate opening without layering. LOL

Thank you for compiling that information, was very helpful.

And yeah, it seems like they’re serious about it. Good to know.

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I’m all about calling them out if they don’t, just to be clear. :slight_smile:

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