If your statement is true, then why are the pvp servers the ones being disbanded and looking for folks to transfer to them? I am currently On Atiesh with a large pop and I have not heard a whisper from anyone about moving to a pvp server. We dapple in community created pvp events, Like I am signed up on my pally to be hunted this weekend, but this is mostly because while Sunwell is hard at this point we jus laying back having sun and waiting on WotLK. Guild is already mapping out who is maining what class and spec. But, like the other person said I will not touch a PvP realm, rather be the lone person on a server. I will grant you the PvP server seem to be the only locked realms, but in retail my realm has lasted since the first week of original BC when it was created, and when I transferred from Bronzebeard, that seems pretty long lasting to me.
Pvp servers are dead instead of waiting for cata this time around they should remove pvp servers and implement the retail system.
If u want pvp u turn it on permanately and get your own layer for all the other pvpers they could even merge more servers doing this and stops them from making the mistake of introducing a fresh pvp server.
how long will it take for my toons to be transfer to the new realm and what about my bank gear will it go to
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