What's your opinion about PvP current state?

hopelessness… having all categorys in achiev at full or almost full then pvp category at 50 %. i want to start working on it but then i think of the que times and the constant losing and the big chance of a roflstomp premade encounter. ugh! I say it again make more bgs comp stomp so all of us achievment hunters can get some help in these hard times because lets face it, it was alot easier back then when people actually pvped

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Using casual PvP as a currency generating content for ranked players has been very bad for the future of PvP, because it drives away players from PvP long before they might consider trying ranked.

I think Blizzard needs to accept its casual players. You can’t convince casuals to do harder or more competitive content by making casual content pointless or unenjoyable.

PvP realms were a longterm failure. Most were so imbalanced they were PvP in name only. Once imbalance started it inevitably got worse. In the end stage, world content became unplayable for minority faction players.

Blizzard still clings to the idea that esports are their vision for the future of the game. RBG’s would be difficult to broadcast. Thus, the emphasis on arenas as the only right way to do PvP.

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PvP is still more enjoyable then the trash PvE this game offers so theres that.

Also the gear gap is ridiculous.

Imagine if you will, being forced to do a mythic level pve thing in greens.

Thats what its like in honor set facing BIS conquest players

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Ion has some odd ideas about what’s good for PvP. I think player growth in ranked would require a large player growth in casual PvP. They don’t seem to have any interest in increasing player participation.


If they introduced cross-faction queues it would greatly reduce the queue times and kill off the epic premade communities.

They need to fix low level pvp and give it some much needed love, it’s a new players introduction to wow pvp and it has been a mess since wotlk.

They also need mmr for random bgs, and to curb the premades in those as well. The games are usually a complete blow out with premade groups at 2600 (inflated) running up against 1500 players. A 20 man in AV has as much representation as a 5 man in wsg.

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Because the rewards are bad and too much is gatekeeped. Or why do PVPers have the right to earn better race mounts than regular players? People see this and feel like a second class citizen, especially when they haven’t updated the mounts the past 10 years. Only for PVP.

Are you talking about gladiator mounts? If not, then what? PvP mounts must be earned.

Venruki said yesterday - keep glad mounts, but let lower rated players earn stuff, (besides the vicious ones)
Give us mount colors, armor colors, enchants, oh better yet, get rid of the MMR system, and make it a set ranking.
Combatant, Challenger, Rival, Duelist, Gladiator.
For every say, 100 arenas you win at X rank, you advance.

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Get party sync out of leveling brackets. Make them rewarding enough so the xp is worth getting, even with a loss. Give gear the equivalent of heirloom ilvl in lower brackets.

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If there are 41,778 things wrong with PvP, here’s ONE of them:

There once was a time where everyone had a MAIN. Your “alts” we just sort mid level losers who did odd chores for your main, or it was something to “run a dungeon with friends” a couple times a year. Just “for funsies” stuff.

Now, everyone has 4+ “alts” that are all i435 and ready to run all but the highest of high content.

The problem, as it related to PvP, is that when everyone just played their ONE main, it didn’t really matter what was FOTM because while some people lucked into it by accident, everyone else just played their “main” and struggled through as best they could.

Now, everyone just switches to the FOTM class, because they’re all geared up and ready to go.

So you go into a BG and get roflstomped by the same 3 classes over and over and over and over. And there’s nothing you can do about it if you don’t also have a FOTM class you can just swap to.

“MAIN”, to me, is a SINGULAR experience. You have ONE MAIN.

But in today’s WoW, it seems like 80%+ of players have four OR MORE “mains.” And this DESTROYS any semblance of fun in PvP, because you’re always drowning in mismatched teams, ESPECIALLY if you’re not playing one of those FOTM classes. There is literally nothing you can do.

Yeah… +fun!!+ And you wonder why it’s left out to dry when it comes to content. It attracts the lowest common denominator of players. Always has, but now, it’s orders of magnitude worse.


Don’t actually participate in PVP much anymore. I don’t find it much fun or rewarding.

In Vanilla, I would participate in organic World PVP battles in Ashenvale and near Terran Mill. I ran a bunch of battlegrounds as well. Never got very far because it seemed to be rigged to get the higher ranks. It wasn’t just an individual’s skill but the entire server had to back them. I don’t care for popularity contests to be honest.

In Burning Crusade, I did some of the open world objectives and they were fun for a while. I did exactly 10 Arenas though. I didn’t find them fun.

After that, I didn’t really participate in any PVP until the towers in Legion. I enjoyed those quests, getting the marks of honor, and even the occasional battle with others.

In Dragonflight, I have done exactly one PVP oriented world quest. You have to collect items in a small arena outside the Cobalt Assembly. No one actually PVPed though. Horde and Alliance alike, we just mowed down the mobs. Probably would be different in War Mode.

There are players who agree with you. There have also always been players who like to play on multiple characters of different classes and roles, especially during a content drought. But there are also a lot of players who recognize that the game is now designed around a rotating FOTM system, where players will need to change class regularly in order to keep up with the meta and continue to play at the level they are comfortable at.

That’s a way to think about the meta gaming, there’s a lot of casual players that just play any alt for FUN, the problem is that there’s not good goals, lack of updates… there’s not enough incentives.

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The Vicious mounts. They could be released without the flags, especially the Gnome-ones, which need updated models desperately.

Between the deflation and how it feels to heal this is the first expansion in a very long time that I just haven’t been PvPing. While I could see DPS players enjoying it, this is by far the worst expansion for healers imo.

Solo shuffle straight up sucks for healers.

PvP feels so incredibly hostile to healers this expansion and it’s miserable. Damage is super high, there’s way too much instant cast unavoidable ranged CC (not to be confused with too much CC), dampening is super aggressive because all DPS have so much self sustain now so without it matches would never end, and mana regen is nerfed so hard for some specs which just feels really awful.

First things first, either stop encouraging top players into random BGs and turning them into a graveyard camp fest, or implement templates or some form of scaling for random BGs so gear isn’t as big of a factor. If you want to show off how great your gear is and how leet you are, there is rated PvP for that.

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Yeah thats why he needs to be canned. ASAP!


Personally as an altoholic, I like how easy the gearing is

they’re randoms.
Rated BGs are too sweaty for some, myself, I only do arenas and bgs, I hate RBGs.

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