What's your hot take?

I would beg to differ.

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Housing would be the one thing that would actually give more positives than negatives.

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All sports began as games people “played for fun”.

Given sufficient popularity and optimization from mastery, all games eventually become sports. The olympics are basically pokemon contests with athletes deployed by trainers.

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Vashj’ir was the best cata zone, and it’s a shame they canceled the water raid for cata.


Firstly I’d like to congratulate everyone for takes hot enough that I want to argue with all of you. I won’t, but I wanna.

In the spirit of the thread, I think the difficulty of mythic raid bosses should be a tighter spread. I don’t like that the first 2-4 might be easier than the heroic final boss but then the second half or final 3-4 are then just 200+ pull monsters one after the other sometimes.

Trying to stump the world first players when the rest of the game is always getting more casual is weird as heck.

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The last good expansion before Dragonflight was Mists of Pandaria; Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands were all worse.

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Race / class restrictions are good.
Faction conflict is part of this game’s soul.
Existing retcons don’t justify making more retcons.
Whoever wrote the reclamation of Gilneas should be banned from writing anything ever again.
Bard class with rhythm game mechanics now.


LFR is so far the only way I can get things done because my gear isn’t good enough to raid with guild :frowning:

I love this take. It’s hot, but it’s also really good, which makes it a very rare take.

I think chess is a great example as well

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This isnt a hot take. You get score for untimed keys, its just the truth lol

My hot take is bring back elite pvp sets

Mythic+ is boring without affixes, they added a challenge unfair and fair that made the dungeons interesting. It’s the obscenely tight timers and sweats that ruined it.

And the AoE target cap is still the most unfun change in the game.

my hot take is harmonicas are a great way to cope with gaming rage

I’m listening to the music from that zone on youtube, doing my midsummer dailies, so good.

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WoW hasn’t had it since Cataclysm. Everything after has felt like the B team was making it, but the cinematics and art were good.

  • Mists had interesting lore but a goofy environment that later became a bit more serious

  • Warlords felt like a budget expansion in a claustrophobic fort

  • Legion felt like systemlands with timegating everywhere but had a good theme with cool class halls

  • BfA war was really bland and boring as all we saw mostly was tiny skirmishes and clashes behind the scenes

  • Shadowlands was WoW at it’s most formulaic boring version

  • Dragonflight tried desperately to save face and hold onto subs before the boat started sinking

WoD was just a couple of good decisions away from being the best expac since WOTLK.

Granted, those decisions never happened… but of all the bad expacs in WoW that have come and gone, man… the vision of WoD was unbelievably awesome and if they ever did a “WoD Classic” and really invested in the Garrison system making it something like FF14 housing… I would play the hell out of it.

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second hot take:

This is world of WARcraft… we don’t have enough focus on PVP.

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Legion was actually pretty mid, but everything seems good coming off the heels of WoD.