What's your healing breakdown look like?

I usually heal in PVP and DPS in M+, but I’ve narrowed Rsham down to a class I’d like to do both on the rest of this, and next season. I hit 80 NL today, so switched and started working on Kyrian, set everything up for M+ and did my 2 key to see how it feels.

At the end of the dungeon riptide and chain heal were my two biggest heals. What’s your typical setup for a moderate-big pull looking like, and what sort of post key % heals do you seem to have (such as riptide #1, etc.)?

The highest I’ve done on my Kyrian Resto Sham is a 14.
However, my breakdown is usually Riptide/Healing Surge, Cloudburst/Healing Rain, Vesper Totem/Healing Wave.
I haven’t really found a use for Chain Heal in M+ as cloudburst totem and Vesper Totem pretty much cover all the AoE healing you need.
Basically go in to a pull, put down cloud burst totem and keep healing rain active. Use Vesper Totem on CD and spam chain lightning while you can, throw some Riptide/Healing Surge repeat.
If people are taking a lot of damage, Cloudburst+Ascendance is really good too!

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My shaman is super undergeared so the highest I’ve done is only a 17. Mostly my healing is riptide, healing surge ,cloudburst and healing rain. Vesper totem and healing wave are under 5% each and there is a solid chance I never press chain heal.

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What ilvl do you consider undergeared? I took a break at 246 and wanna try a 20 eventually. Not sure if that’s reasonable without mythic raiding gear as a plugged on my first expansion.

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I was 229 at the time of that post

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2600 io Kyrian rsham main here and it’s usually riptide → healing surge → healing wave → cloudburst → vesper → healing rain/healing tide.

Definitely don’t use chain heal much if at all. Stacked lots of haste/vers gear for high dmg output too

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I log my M+ as well so can look through most of my 20+ keys at a healing breakdown

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Bro that’s awesome, ty. I got it lined out mostly, now I just need to find tanks who kite necrotic somtimes. xD

Necrotic is very difficult in pugs lol but this week should be better

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I took a pretty big break and am a little nervous pushing necrotic week. For necrotic don’t we just drop SLT in tank emergencies and use slow/root to make room if they need to kite?

Necrotic week is really just one of those things where you’re only going to do as well as your tank does, tbh, same with this week with people killing orbs–you can’t heal through lack of people running mechanics properly. Unless you’re just standing there and not healing when there’s something to heal or using your kit to circumvent/mitigate damage, mechanics, etc., I wouldn’t be nervous. I had a DH tank who kept pulling half rooms and not even attempting to drop stacks or kite get mad in one key I ran last week because he’s an idiot, all my other runs went fine. I knew why the run was going poorly so I didn’t let it phase me that he was raging over a problem he was causing.

The real downside to M+ is the irony that running a +7 is harder than running a +15 sometimes just due to the skill-level of players you encounter in lower keys a lot of the time. Just give it a shot and try to push out of lower keys and you’ll probably enjoy yourself more, and encounter a lot less negativity.

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Killing orbs is a healer job, especially as shaman

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Link me a vod of you killing 100% of orbs in a run and I’ll buy you a token.

Lol, bet, that’s easy money

If you say so, man. lol I’m not like a God key-runner, but I’ve had KSM a few times as DPS, I don’t ever recall the entire group not prioritizing orbs as they see them. So never seen it be ‘only the healer’s job,’ but I’m all for sending a token your way if you come up with a video of you Chadding those orbs down while everyone else just facerolls mobs.

Healer would usually get 70-80% of the orbs, tank should get the rest. Dps don’t really need to touch them. If the tank isn’t killing orbs, unless like 8 spawn at once the healer should be able to pretty easily handle all of them until medium level keys (+18)


Yeah I definitely noticed some 15s being easier than sub 10s due to people thinking since spells don’t hurt in m0, you don’t really need to kick ever.

I kill probably 80% or so of explosives in my groups with frost shocks so long as the group isn’t taking stupid damage… and necrotic just sucks it’s all on the tank more or less

Yeah explosive has never been hard as a Shaman if the group is somewhat dialed in. Even in pugs when I frost shock almost all of them, when tons of damage is going out I’ll see someone else pick them up. Necrotic and grievous, on the other hand, are always a crap shoot lol