What's your favorite chips?

Not available in Canada and quite expensive on Amazon. I take regular chips and put them in a halogen cooker to brown them.


There were computer games before there were computer chips. I first played lunar lander on a PDP-1 which had a core memory and the logic was built out of transistors and diodes.

Even that was cutting edge for it’s time. The transistors replaced vacuum tubes on earlier systems which in turn had replaced relays.

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Add me to the list! Plain potato or corn chips, no flavoring for me.

If I want flavor, I’ll make a dip.


Yessh this is mine too :yum:

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Before my tastebuds decided to not like the taste of any chips anymore, this was also my favorite! The Tapatio ones if I felt brave :dizzy: :rabbit:

Ms. Vickie’s Jalapeno flavor, close second would be Spicy Nacho Doritos.

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Baked Lays. That is all.

Cool Ranch Doritos

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Banana chips :banana:

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Arnott’s Shapes
It’s an Australian brand, they are really tasty!!!

miss vickies salt and vinegar

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Flaming hot Cheetos and anything kettle except BBQ.

As far as tortilla chips, we have Northgate Gonzales market in California and they sell chips made in house for chilaquiles, but they are great tasting straight out of the bag.

Ballreich originals. A friend of our is from Ohio and he brings these back to Seattle for me whenever he goes home to visit. They are so good!

Otherwise, Lay’s original.

Zapp’s Voodoo

Stuff is complete FIRE dude.

Sour cream and onion lay’s :yum:

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Oh yeah, spicy pork rinds are great!

Old Dutch Creamy Dill Pickle.

I quit eating food like this but back when I ate chips my answer would have been


But now if I HAD TO eat chips because someone has a gun to my head I’d make them myself.

Lay’s ketchup chips

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Ruffles jalapeno ranch