What's Your Drink When Playing This Game?

During breaks from raids especially if I am going out afterwards for the night life, I recharge with a Rockstar fruit punch flavor. :facepunch:

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:coffee: :coffee:


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Any alcohol if I’m required to pug something.

Especially if they require voice.


nothing beats pure H2O

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I’ll have to try this

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I’ve never been one to come home and enjoy a cold beer.
I find it disgusting. Even ice cold on a hot Texan day.
I think it’s better this way though.

Anyways. For me, it’s flavored sparkling water (my wife bought me a machine to do it myself). The Grapefruit flavor is really good.
Diet Pepsi, Root Beer and Tea are also my go to drinks.

Diet coke or pepsi.

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Bourbon neat. Wild Turkey 101 makes a good sipper on raid nights. Or a martini. I’ve been liking the Beef eater gin as of late.


The trailer park special, eh?

I like a good Cabernet or Pinot.
If I’m doing beer, probably Pliney or Duvel.
If it’s liquor, Jäger sips in the cold and usually a vodka with club soda and a lime in the summer. I prefer Tito’s.

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Water…but I’ve been on a lemonade kick recently.

If you’re talkin’ liquor, I drink chardonnay.


Beefeater is pretty good. Super dry though. Great for martinis.

Caffeine free coca-cola! And water!

Mtn Dew-Voltage is the current version of Mtn Dew on my list.
water, sometimes.
tiers of my enemies

just Soda. no alcohol for this Druid. you really dont want a Shapeshifting Bear Birb cat Thing to be in such a state that they could table flip the computer by just getting up. :bear:

Dr. Pepper, even though my hives get a bit irritated when I do.

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Margaritas or gin tonic on weekends. Perrier, black iced tea and coffee during week.