What's Your Drink When Playing This Game?

Well it’s ice coffee, but if it’s late I’ll probably drink a soda (rootbeer!). I’m trying a water challenge right now however! :sweat_drops: so maybe a water if I didn’t drink enough.

Berry flavored La Croix.

Usually a West Virginia local brewed IPA called Big Timber, or a couple Hazy Little Thing IPAs, but that’s usually only when I’m raiding or running M+ lol If not just some ice water or coffee when doing world stuff…

Tea or lemonade, my always drinks.

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Thus - sat… Scotch, stout, porter, red or white wine, sometimes a good ruby port. Whatever’s at hand.

Sun-weds… herbal tea, Gatorade, water, with a little kava kava.

Vodka, and a dark beer like stout. Hoppier the better. Hard to find Storm King here lately but that’s my fave

water, sometimes with a powdered drink mix. walmart has this mixed fruit powder that’s really delicious.

right now i’m drinking a mezcal margarita.

Big stout hopped like an IPA is the best

Sierra Nevada, Torpedo IPA.

My breath becomes like my Brewmaster’s.

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Sugar Free, Crystal Light. I am diabetic so…

Green Tea with a splash of Vanilla Coffee Creamer in it.

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Nine years ago when i used to post to IG and tumblr it was distilled booze:

nowadays it’s either fizzy sugary sodas or room temperature tea/coffee


Usually Porter.

This time of year, Peach Crown. :tumbler_glass:

I ain’t ever playing this game at a time where coffee is appropriate.

Water,coffee, whatever variation of Monster happen to have at the time

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Tea, water or a Dr Pepper. I’m trying to quit the last one.



Water or Diet Mountain Dew .

I pretty much only drink beer now on Saturday nights after working a double to help my brain stop racing so I can get up on Sundays to open again .

12 to 14 hours on feet working in a kitchen and my middle aged A.D.D. brain goes I still wanna play .


Metth isn’t a drink, just saying .

You steep it like tea

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Lately? Straight rum.

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