What's your desktop wallpaper?

Bloodborne dlc concept art for the Research Hall zone.

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I have the program Wallpaper Engine, theres tons of community made wallpapers that are animated. Some people even threw videos up there, it's pretty neat and not expensive at all.

Mines currently two animated dark souls boss fights.
a landscape photo that is split between my dual monitors - it's a WoW photo (probably fan art) that depicts the original horde leaders on the left and the original alliance leaders on the right - it's dated 2004-2009 on the picture

I think I've been using this photo for literally years now.

Edit: it's signed "Wei 2009" in the bottom left
Just some generic landscape
Mine is the inside of an abandoned building.
This is my wallpaper: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/66125-frosted-butts
Right now I'm at work so it's a pretty fall outdoor scene.
Solid black with the Arch Linux emblem (red) in the middle.
I think I have a portrait of Quel'thalas from the novels.
A cute otter swimming on his back holding his rock
Cause otters are my spirit animal
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That shot where Hela is killing the Valkyries in Thor Ragnarok

11/14/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Felsavior
Examon from digimon on my work pc.

That's awesome.
A high def NASA photo of the moon.
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11/14/2018 08:00 AMPosted by Tovi
My favorite WoW screen shots on rotate.

An oil painting of an undersea garden, complete with mermaid:

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Windows 98 wallpaper.
an image of Saint Michael casting Lucifer out of Paradise
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Mine actually has nothing to do with gaming.. It is of an astronaut free floating in space with the earth at the bottom.
Usually one of a dozen or so starscapes.
I haven't changed the background. It's still some dark blue Windows generic screen.
My phone's wallpaper is a Protoss Pylon so that it is always powered.

My computer wallpaper is a screenshot I took of Lil' Ragnaros in Molten Core with Ragnaros in the background.