What's your desktop wallpaper?

Atm it's an Into the Breach screenshot.
May or may not be a slow rotation of various Pandaren art.
Sylvanas smirking at Anduin
Some slideshow of gorgeous kitty cats that probably came with WIndows. <sigh>
Husband put an Ugandan Knuckles wallpaper on my laptop as an April's fools joke. Haven't changed it since then.

He still has a Grumpy Cat WP on his, also because April's fools
Bakugo from My Hero Academia
My doggo.
The namesake
Star Wars Storm Troopers Last Supper...
Right now I have this:


With Fiona in Boralus I really hope we get another quest chain with her and her caravan.
Right now it's a screenshot of the WSG loading screen. Before that I think it was a picture of the Ruins of Isildien in Feralas.

For anyone who likes taking screenshots and in-game photography, the early engineer-made device [Ornate Spyglass] is pretty cool. It functions the same as Hunters' Eagle Eye or Shaman's Farsight, and you can get some really nice screenshots with it.
Thick blue birb sitting on it's nest, I like birbs.
11/14/2018 07:56 AMPosted by Gávilar
Mine's Shia Labeouf in the 'just do it' squat.

It helps me stick to my routine.

I don't know who that is. :-O
A dog doing the "duckface" with pringles.
Commissioned art of my character.
11/14/2018 07:57 AMPosted by Margirita
A lake with 2 lounge chairs looking into the sunset......Don't judge me!!

Meh. I don't do desktop pics anymore because I prefer being able to read the text underneath my icons, but back in my Mac OS 9 days I had a really nice Sailor Moon wallpaper with the entire cast (Super S season).

So what makes that weird? I'm a guy. ^_^
I think there's a wallpaper there somewhere, under all the icons....
The Hogwart's Express
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Reyes Vidal <3