Atm it's an Into the Breach screenshot.
May or may not be a slow rotation of various Pandaren art.
Sylvanas smirking at Anduin
Some slideshow of gorgeous kitty cats that probably came with WIndows. <sigh>
Husband put an Ugandan Knuckles wallpaper on my laptop as an April's fools joke. Haven't changed it since then.
He still has a Grumpy Cat WP on his, also because April's fools
He still has a Grumpy Cat WP on his, also because April's fools
Bakugo from My Hero Academia
My doggo.
The namesake
Star Wars Storm Troopers Last Supper...
Right now I have this:
With Fiona in Boralus I really hope we get another quest chain with her and her caravan.
With Fiona in Boralus I really hope we get another quest chain with her and her caravan.
Right now it's a screenshot of the WSG loading screen. Before that I think it was a picture of the Ruins of Isildien in Feralas.
For anyone who likes taking screenshots and in-game photography, the early engineer-made device [Ornate Spyglass] is pretty cool. It functions the same as Hunters' Eagle Eye or Shaman's Farsight, and you can get some really nice screenshots with it.
For anyone who likes taking screenshots and in-game photography, the early engineer-made device [Ornate Spyglass] is pretty cool. It functions the same as Hunters' Eagle Eye or Shaman's Farsight, and you can get some really nice screenshots with it.
Thick blue birb sitting on it's nest, I like birbs.
11/14/2018 07:56 AMPosted by GávilarMine's Shia Labeouf in the 'just do it' squat.
It helps me stick to my routine.
I don't know who that is. :-O
A dog doing the "duckface" with pringles.
Commissioned art of my character.
11/14/2018 07:57 AMPosted by MargiritaA lake with 2 lounge chairs looking into the sunset......Don't judge me!!
Meh. I don't do desktop pics anymore because I prefer being able to read the text underneath my icons, but back in my Mac OS 9 days I had a really nice Sailor Moon wallpaper with the entire cast (Super S season).
So what makes that weird? I'm a guy. ^_^
I think there's a wallpaper there somewhere, under all the icons....
The Hogwart's Express
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Reyes Vidal <3