What's Your Best Tip For Hardcore?

I’ve watched 6 people over the last hour die to not watching their surroundings.

IF THE QUEST AREA HAS NO MOBS DO NOT GO IN THERE! The whole village will drop on your head!


If you’re not gonna avoid elite patrols, be quite careful and aware of where they wander. I’ve lost 2 toons to them while trying to not die while leveling. The Horde patrol by the lake in Loch Modan, and Teremus (RIP lvl 52 Cauchy.)

LOL, it’s not just layers that get you mrrrgled. The respawn rate can be quite intense. I don’t know how many times I’ve cleared a camp and had them all beating on me before I was done eating and drinking.

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I know this is going to sound mean but…

Don’t rescue people. If you see someone running from multiple mobs, it’s tempting to help them, but helping them, will turn the mob on you as well, and maybe they didn’t engage the entire mob, so now everything running after them wants you dead instead.

I learned this the hard way in PTR. :joy:


If you accidentally pull more than the mob you targeted, just run….

Even if you “think” you can take both…what happens if a third spawns or patrols by during the heat of battle?

Just not worth it, best skill to learn is mentally knowing to immediately disengage and RUN!

Learn to live and fight another day!


I’m new but I will throw in a don’t do this half awake. Do some fishing while you have coffee or something. Also, don’t do it stoned unless you’re ready to transfer. :mushroom:


First Aid. Don’t forget to train it and have bandages at the ready. (Yes, even if you’re a healer. A well-timed bandage when you’re oom can be a literal life-saver.)

Group up for safety— The murlocs and kobolds will.

Autorun is not your friend. (See Kaivax’s rule for going AFK. Combined with autorun, it’s a recipe for sheer disaster.)

Fatigue kills. Don’t push your luck.

Some classes are slightly squishier at lower levels than others but get more powerful over time, so don’t overestimate their power at the start.

Elevators kill. Be patient and time your entry and exit appropriately. I’m looking at you Undercity elevators…


This is actually good advice. Didn’t even think about first aid as I never played classic.

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and the entire family of

Are gamechangers especially if you don’t have a dispel. Sometimes dispelling that dot can save more HP than the health pot you were going to pop would have given you. Getting rid of that dot will also let you bandage if you can get some distance.


Don’t say in LookingForGroup “easy game, don’t get why everyone is dying” and then die 10 minutes later. People will remember, and laugh at you.


I got another few tips.

When going to a new place…

Case the area out before wadding into the fray. See if you can judge the respawn rate, and how many life threatening monsters are in the new place, before just thinking it’s a safe area and charging ahead.

Someone might have came by and recently killed everything now the bodies have faded away and it looks safe. Some areas respawn very slow and others you can just stand in one spot and kill the same thing over and over again. It is a good idea to find out which of these two areas your new place is. A few minutes of waiting can save your life.

Another tip…

Some monsters have a buddy next to them. That buddy is going to come after you. Wait for someone else to kill the buddy and the main monster first. (It’s rude not to wait.)
The main monster will have a faster respawn rate, so you can kill it after they are through without worrying about it’s buddy attacking you.

One more for today…

Do the quests that don’t stray far from the road first. If you have to you can pull your kills to the road, this way if you have to escape the path will be clear. The road is safer, so leveling up first by quests that don’t stray far from the path will give you a safe space to rest as well.


Don’t go into caves, but if you do, beware entrances and intersections, pull away from them and fight in areas you’ve just cleared. Constantly look around with your camera for patrols. After you kill a patrol, set a timer. Usual respawn time is 5 minutes.


All of this tips are useless, now I see why 90k perish in the first 24hrs and why when raid progressing in modern wow takes ages. No wonder…


What level were you?

so far I’m level 35, didn’t follow any of these useless tips.

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They might be useless to an experienced hunter, but to a new warrior they could be useful.


Is this coming from personal experience?

= p

Go slowly. There is no need to rush things. You will level by just playing and having fun. Don’t try to solo group content. Use your pots when you have them, you can’t when you’re dead.


If you see a pile of dead bodies - turn around and run away.


Stock up on health and mana pots. Bandages too. And always use your crowd control abilities, they seriously help. Take your time and take on one mob at a time. You have to be very patient and aware of your surroundings.


More like 20 seconds with hyperspawn