Whats with these Survival legendaries?

Not a single one seems interesting or exciting to use for single target or PVP.


  1. Such n such ability has a chance to summon a beast to aid you in combat.
  2. After harpooning your target, the target bleeds for such n such dmg
  3. Stealth can now be activated in combat and removes all magic effects.
  4. Give survival the old explosive shot back? it use to have the best sound effect in game :slight_smile:
  5. make lock n load a legendary effect and give us explosive shot back.

Debating to play unholy DK because their legendarys look fun. I was gonna main Hunter for the first time this expansion but seeing how dull these legendaries look for survival are making me think twice.


It’s the Terrible Revenge of BFA. We’re going to traipse through The Maw, explore the darkest reaches of the Tower of the Damned, all to, in the end, re-farm Azerite traits. It’s a rough one. People (rightly) made a stink about having to re-farm the same abilities in BFA - well, now we have to farm them again in an entirely new expansion in an entirely different plane of existence. It just won’t let us be. :frowning:

Sounds like an outlaw rogue with these short range gun/bow/xbow attacks and harpoons. I play a hunter to play a ranged class. I have melee chars to play melee.


I read in another thread someone talking about lock n load. That would be a great effect for legendary!!