What's up with M+ Freehold this week?

Every time we try to port into Freehold M+ we get stuck on the loading screen until we eventually DC. Then when logging back in, we’re in Freehold but by then most groups have lost a couple of the members. What’s up?


Not just FH, had this happen a cpl times.


Happened to a friend of mine last night. They never could zone in, Would just constantly freeze in loading screen then dc and when logging back in it would port them to their hearth

just happened to me a bit ago.

Also happened to me, thought it was my connection, nice to know it was not.

Likely a hiccup with the instance servers. Hopefully its not another DDoS attack…

It has happened every time going into Freehold.

Instance servers are bad atm, I’ve been dc’d due to instance issues when trying to head to caverns already. Had a hiccup where I lagged badly during H Nelth, and I’m other issues today.


Great. My key this week is Freehold…

Thanks for the warning. Helps a lot. Was debating logging on for a quick alt run through a mythic or two, but… nah, not now lol.

literally happened to me in VP. and followed up with big lags

gg to my team…i’m pretty sure the air guys ate them :eyes:

I tried doing M+ freehold 5 times last night. Had this issue every time. I would be locked out of my character for 5-10 mins. I presume me being removed from group and timing out of the dungeon is what lets me get back in.

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Reporting back in. Was in a group, 3 area-52 players and 2 tich players (im tich), both me and other tich player dc’d while area 52 had no issues. not sure if this is relevant. post what server youre on.

Is happening to me right now…and happened yesterday…freezes while loading in…stops at 75% you exit game try to log in and it says existing character already exists…you have to wait like 7-8 mins for this to end and to log back in.

I had a Neltharus that did it earlier.

I logged into my druid and added my main character to my friends list… I waited til my evoker went offline then logged over and poof back in.

It stinks tho.

not just freehold. its been dungeons all day. 5m loading screens making me feel like im back in the days of wrath on my potato

well that made my morning seeing this