What's up with 5 year old bugs being ignored?

I was shocked to see they fixed three bugs with the cataclysm gladiator mounts in the last patch. Two of the bugs have existed since the first cata glad mount was released in 2011 and one of them started when they let you use flying mounts in areas where you can’t fly. All three bugs have lasted this entire time and I’ve reported them on every PTR and beta that they still existed on.

I guess they finally got around to fixing them when they were tinkering with drake mounts to add dragonriding in a later patch or something, but it is amazing that it took over a decade to fix a literal hole in my dragon’s foot. Like, a giant gaping hole in the model went unfixed for that long.

I had it happen to me in gorgrond near the rexxar stuff where u kill some orcs. Was on a rogue. Vanish, death, relog didn’t work. Had to zone into an instance to fix it.

I would die and come back without threat for long enough to mount. But then I’d regain threat off of something. Like I said had to zone into an instance to fix it.

My first thought, OP is like “5 years” and I lol’d.

“Oh I never get that bug, so it’s not a bug”

When you have enough people across the game stating the exact same bug and the only real fix is to hearth, yeh, it’s definitely a bug.

saying something is a bug, doesn’t mean it is.

a quick glance through the bug report forum is enough to confirm this.

i absolutely believe that a lot of people get stuck in combat.
i just don’t believe it happens “for no reason”… it’s more that they’re simply unable to find that reason, so they immediately scream “bug”!


me: this isn’t working the way it should, I think it’s because X

you: X isnt causing that to happen, Y is causing it to happen, therefore its not a bug.

ah right, things are only bugged when you know what causes them to bug, if another thing that you are unaware of (being locked in combat and you cant figure out why, turns out you aggroed a rat a mile away that’s running around now) its not really a bug.

are you really gatekeeping who gets to label things as bugged? xD like getting to call things bugs (you know, when a player experiences something that shouldn’t happen, and cant figure out why it happens) this thread is turning out a lot differently than I thought it would :rofl:

It really doesn’t matter how you explain it or justify it. It makes zero sense that if from my state of being undetectable from a mob, I use an ability FROM said invisibility to kill said mob with a single instant overpowering attack that deletes all 100% of its hit points, it somehow has the ability to turn around, effectively “right click” me, and get a free autoattack, despite the fact that the thing that caused it to aggro me in first placed instantly killed it.

I fail to see how that’s not a bug. That makes no sense. If there was a bug that made the fireball spell appear to hit mobs 2-3 feet away from where they actually were, but didn’t actually break the spell and the damage, range, and everything worked normally and was just a visual inaccuracy, would that be a bug? Feels like you guys are just waving your hand and telling people you get to decide what bugs are and no one else does.

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What? You used a lot of words to say “Since I don’t know how Vanish is broken, it must not be broken”

Go read a bug report forum, or the rogue forums… over the last literal 2 decades. Pets will chase you through it, NPCs will ignore it, sometimes it just flat out wont work, blah blah blah. There’s a laundry list of Vanish bugs that have all been verified for a very, very long time.

The only “bad faith talking point” is you insisting it’s not true without verifying it first, and using ad-hoc “evidence” that “it never happened to you”.

no gatekeeping.
words have meanings.

being in combat with something, isn’t a bug.
not being able to find what you’re in combat with, also isn’t a bug.


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Being in combat with a critter that you have no idea where it is, and is anywhere between 5 feet away and 20 miles away is a bug. Mobs leash when you get far enough away. I have been kept in combat permanently by random critters before.

That’s a bug.

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critters don’t have the same mechanics as regular mobs.

they don’t agro when you walk near them, and they don’t always leash with distance.

just because you don’t like certain mechanics, doesn’t mean something is a bug.

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ok‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

To summarise what you said here:
“Because I said Vanish has been bugged at some point through some interaction for the past 20 years thus’ Vanish is bugged with bugs that are currently not relevant due to how Vanish has changed over the past 20 years - and to back this up… you go and find me my evidence”

I am fully aware that ALL Abilities have been bugged to some degree in WoW’s history, welcome to MMOs - but to oversimplifying it down to “I claim that there’s an almost 20 year bug present in this one ability that has any degree of relevancy” (I assume it has some degree of frequency or relevancy because otherwise … the hell is even the point you were trying to make in the first place) and saying it like all of these bugs still occur is honestly downright dishonest at best

At which point you tried to go “I am a CE raider thus’ my word is law” to try to back up your “But 20 year old bug in the game”-claim … you are literally just proving my point as to why you aren’t reliable in the slightest when trying to make these arguments

But for the hell of it I went and had a look, if Vanish is as bugged as you claim it to be and I have just missed out on some relevant bug I had a look
Literally the first thing I see:

Folks not knowing how Vanish works or how its coded
One can argue that there’s stuff that isn’t intended, but still functioning perfectly in terms of what’s supposed to happen code-wise which … would make it not-a-bug, and folks just simply not knowing how Vanish works

Which again was my entire point
Edit: Because I forgot to mention it…

  1. The burden of proof is on you - you make a claim, you have to support it
    Your claims aren’t the stuff for others to proof
  2. It isn’t evidence but again you have to prove it, and a quick glance at the bug forums and rogue forums indicate folks are more confused about how Vanish and stealth works, not that its bugged
    So it isn’t an ad-hoc claim, evidence, or otherwise that you have to be the one to provide the evidence for your own claims

So your rebuttal is that one guy claims this is an intended interaction and you take it as gospel that this is accurate and he is correct? :thinking:

For context you’re refuting someone else’s qualifiers (being a top level performer) but take someone else’s word as law with zero qualifications. There is a term for this, it’s called anecdotal.

Code doesn’t care for your personal opinions, nor am I “justifying” anything but you did get me right in that I’m trying to explain to you how the game works - not what, how, or why you think it should work in somehow some other way

You can have a different opinion but in terms of objective reality, Nobully is completely right - and for a similar reason as what I mentioned to Semicasual; just because you don’t understand, or decides to act incredulously, doesn’t make the point any less true

A bug specifically is how code interacts in an unintended way that is mechanically inconsistent with what the expected outcome is
Not mechanically consistent, intended or not, behaviour that is in line with what’s supposed to happen in regards to the code even if it may feel unintuative

its aks, he is a paid shill, or a contrarian, who just likes to stir up crap wherever he goes, ignore and move along lol.

My rebuttal is this:
Can Vanish be bugged? Hell yeah!
How is it bugged? Doesn’t seem to be, and the person in question is talking about the existance of bugs for 20 years as somehow being present today

I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt that they may have misunderstood something rather than assuming that they are acting in bad faith, that is until folks try to go with reasoning as “I am a more qualified player than you just because I said so ergo my point is more valid than yours”

My point is not more valid than anyone else’s … but I am backing up my claims both in terms of external and internal reasoning and logic, as well as sources for what I claim

ok‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

They dont read the Bug Reports forum. I honestly dont think there is anywhere we can send bug reports where somebody will actually read it. Ive reported alot of bugs that have never been touched, they just dont care.