What's the point of the Council?

Meh, you can use the same word as many others and get silenced.

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Nothing is ever present anywhere in life to guarantee that, as you can, on your own, see how difficult it can be via:

its not always easy to be non-biased

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I got report-ganked by goon squad multiple times. Funny part is, I don’t even know what triggered them.

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Dude, they’re not paid. What you just described there is a job.

yes, honesty has never won me any awards. but i sleep better at night. i'm no secret agent. ah well
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you make one mistake or three. easy to do when the craziness hits the forums and everyone wants to jump in on the action. guilty as charged
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Well said! IMO the council is good in theory but to me it doesn’t seem any different than what we post here. Although, I will say the Community Council forums at least aren’t all non stop whining threads about not being able to fly as you hit max level, “grinds”, not getting your BiS items from the vault (which wasn’t meant to be the soul way to gear up), etc.

I have seen them bring up good topics. The form you had to fill out to apply for a Community Council spot though was pretty in depth etc. So I am hoping Blizzard does use them as they said they will.