What's The Deal With Hobgoblins?

Alright, quickly checking the lore of the hobgoblins it seems that we are getting info that these hobgoblins were once goblins from Alliance characters(or from the non canon RPG). Who may or may not be right/it might all just be some bias propaganda.

WTF are they then? Because they’re surrounded by people with New Jersey accepts but they look like Englishmen.

Idk but I like them they are funny

probably not ‘Englishmen’ per se, but mimicking the Robber Barons of the late 19th and early 20th Century America? and many goblin heroes are dressed as working-class people

Idk they look pretty English to me


Yeah, if anything it just means the potion to make them just got better. Slightly smarter than a dumb brick is a good thing.


Holy shiet, he 100% looks like a hobgoblin lol!


Beats me. All I am saying is the old lore about how hobgoblins were created were always shaky at best and if Blizzard “softretcons” it, I dont think it would be too hard to do(just say all info about hobgoblins were incredibly incorrect intel/was false info spread though the Alliance)


Or even just false rumors the goblins started themselves for whatever reasons. I could see 'em doing it as some elaborate inside joke, a prank they played on the wider world.

Though I do like the idea of some Alliance merchant making up some tall tale about the origin of hobgoblins after a few too many drinks, and the SI: 7 agent in the corner hurriedly writing notes.


Even if it was purely Alliance speculation and rumor mongering, it is odd it would go on with Reznik being among their intelligence officers. Surely he would know something about it. Maybe he didn’t join until after the rumors started.


We’ve seen how rumors and conspiracies work in IRL. Once they gain traction, all the evidence to the contrary isn’t going to deter people once they believe something to be true.

Renzik probably did try get the truth out there amongst the informants he likely had in the streets, but again, once a rumor gains enough traction, there’s no being rid of it.


Or… Reznik started the rumor himself!!


The plot thickens…


I read the last part as The chickens plot and that worries me. Deeply.

I am tired. Should get some sleep


They’re bugbears from D&D.

So, the obvious thing that kind of hasn’t been mentioned: The goblins used to be one of the most devil-may-care races in the game when it came to slavery, and their frequently referred to by other goblins as oafs. One’s even used as a mount in Deadmines as a sort of tribute to the ogre-riding alchemist (who is actually in Undermine this patch and reports that his ogre died.)

The new voice lines make them not much more than just a bit less keen hulks that basically do the job of lifting all the heavy metal plating goblin inventions often use. (Even if goblins are strong for their size it’s not likely the 40lb engineer lifted that mech chassis.) It’s not too much of a retcon considering the majority of their background came from the RPG which is almost fanfiction at this point.

The main change is that they don’t always have that Tarzan-like speech pattern, but that they’ve got a move called “Me Get Mad” makes me thing that intensity makes them go dumb. If they sit down for a while they might sound like everybody else but put them in a fight and “you make hulk angry”.

Spare me, it was tested in and found safe during controlled trials during the Second War. On forest trolls.