What's the best transmog you've ever seen?

i would never fight a giant human with dual bamboo sticks :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

great work!

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I like this:

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Anything i wear is a 10/10.


Not this character but I vote for my night elf mage, it’s a work of art. Update she’s not even wearing it >:(


I like simple outfits. I like this one, but still looking for open toe sandals.


One of mine is the new s2 Priest sets!

Priest S2

And my all time favorite! Priest T3


Mine, of course.

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Sadly, that is true. The Recruit-a-friend mog is definitely one of the best in the game.

But I also really like my robot ninja mog. One of the reasons this mechagnome is my main.

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I’m not sure if it’s the best, but I saw a Kul Tiran Warrior mix plate armor pieces with their Heritage set that looked really cool to me. I’m tempted to make a second Kul Tiran that’s a Warrior just to recreate a similar style.

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This mog right here baby.



Mine would be

I like Tyranny instead of Beast for the enchants in game but on wowhead you can’t even see a gnome beyond the enchant glow. Unfortunately I don’t dps so I haven’t played this gnome since MoP.


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Must’ve been something like this (a mix between the heritage coat/chest and the warfront stuff, since they use roughly the same color gold):

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i still have it saved, my goal is to make it a reality.

We talking about full sets or personal tmogs? Because if we’re talking sets… it’s still Paladins judgement set. I would love to see that get high rezzed

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My “former Farstrider” look. :wink:

Might be slightly biased here, but

The boots, gloves, weapon, and sometimes shoulders change, but the core of this is Gucci.


My paladin in full tier 3 with tabard of frost and the blue ashbringer. Nobody stands a chance.


Um, mine of course…

Looks even better in game

mine /thread