Whats making u mad rn?

asmongold ban should have been perma not 12days

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Marcelene got fried on my favorite cartoon on boom channel and I am not happy.

My bedroom door which my ā€œabsolutely wonderfulā€ step father broke whilst drunk and angry. Sooner Iā€™m out and itā€™s no longer my damn problem the better might take my doorknob I bought with me can replace that too. :dracthyr_tea:

A.i. and the fact the foolish people of the world wonā€™t stop it. Itā€™s becoming increasingly hard to deal with. Itā€™s not gonna be some event or war or robots killing usā€¦we are literally racing to our demiseā€¦makes me mad just about every second of everyday. I guess when everything just goes black it wonā€™t be a problem anymore.

(Looks for tinfoilhat)

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Seeā€¦ dying to extremely difficult contentā€¦ I get it.

What makes me mad is, I think it was in Legion and if not it was in BfA, someone made the decision to have certain at-level mobs ā€¦ NOT HAVE A HEALTH BAR.

wtf with this??

From the original Warcraft RTS, weā€™ve always had background ā€œcrittersā€ that give flavor to the environment/terrain. I love this!! And because theyā€™re just ā€œbackgroundā€ mobs with only like 5 health, they donā€™t have an actual health bar. Theyā€™re not a ā€œrealā€ mob.

But a long time ago, mobs were added that were full at-level mobs. Same health, same attacks, same damage, same DANGER ā€¦ but they donā€™t have a health bar. So itā€™s incredibly hard to track them/ target them.

Itā€™s an annoyance FOR NO REASON.

Why did Blizzard do this??? I HATE THIS!

For all the bad decisions in this game, there tends to always be an altruistic motivation. They WANTED to do the right thing, they just didnā€™t hit the mark.

wtf with THIS? Why do some mobs NOT have health bars???

Itā€™s 4am. I have an eye exam at 9am. Do I go back to sleep? Can I go back to sleep if I wanted toā€¦ will I wake up in time? Maybe just stay awake and do chores. Or Delves.

Should try to squeak in at least a couple hours worth of nap.
Staying up could also make the drive there/back sketchy when the tired catches up.

Gonna be tired regardless but you might get that powernap energy for long enough to get you through your eye exam.

I got this pain down all the diodes on my left sideā€¦

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Youā€™ll see it next time through in 80,000 yearsā€¦

Whenever one of these once in a lifetime events happen in the sky itā€™s always cloudy here.

I went to an all you can eat sushi place last night. Iā€™m going to be hurting until Monday.

Damn. Sorry.

i donā€™t really get mad, but iā€™m a little annoyed that i keep waking up earlier than i would like

Iā€™m awake :rage:

Your a shooting star in my book

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