Whats making u mad rn?

Zekvir on ?? Difficulty. 105 attempts and he’s still not down! ARRRRRGH!


Not being able to see the comet bc it’s overcast really grinds my gears

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My nose. I’m so snotty today for some reason and it’s really annoying me.

T10 any delve.

my dps just isn’t high enough yet :frowning:

no matter how hard I try it jus isn’t happening

suggested ilvl is 623 and I still have a few 606 pieces, so yea, looks like it’s going top be a few more weeks for me.

Still frustrating

SaveAFox on youtube removed the “play all” videos option and I have to manually select the next video like an animal.

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Lack of sleep.


not mad just damn tired from this week man…
weekend can’t come no sooner

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The stupid comp restrictions on Mythic Ovinax.

I am irrationally angry about elves

Mob scaling in D4, was in Torment 1 world tier and things were dying like flies . So changed it to Torment 2 now its takes significantly longer to kill that the benefits don’t out weigh the time spent. ZZZZZZ

I blame Finnegan.

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Being at work when I could be raiding lmfao

Crackshot being as strong as it is.

guaranteed angryness everytime.

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Paladins somehow gaslighting the balance team into thinking Retribution is garbage and in dire need of buffs.

Protection, sure. But Ret? Nah man.


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I am convinced someone high in the ranks at blizzard mains ret paladin but they’re also, somehow, very bad at it. So they keep forcing the team to buff it when it really, really doesn’t need them.


All the BS lag spikes I keep getting in dornogal and how Blizz forced heroic queue to follow mythic track so now it’s more a chore to get some of the TWW heroics done. What do i mean by lag spikes one may ask…my latency was in low 70s for both me and world but my FPS was zero… I couldn’t move and feared I’d be DCed but instead I was stuck in the Inn after hearthing back to town for 10 minutes unable to even pull up the option to log out. I can play every other game on my computer without a second of lag or issue but WoW gives me the finger… what the hell did they do to this game as I never got such crap in DF

I’m mad because my local McDs ran out of Coke today.

There are a lot of errors going on with some addons right now, specifically any addon that deals with models. Elvui, Weakauras, etc. There are some articles on wowhead about it, worth giving it a lookover as this might be causing your issue.

Other than that, your CPU might be bottlenecking your performance. WoW is a cpu intensive game, and any area with high player traffic (i.e. Dornogal) is going to spike CPU usage significantly.

Week of 8 am calls to quality test an app that is barely complete since the company I work for is switching to because they are too cheap to renew the license for the current app.

Oh you mean in game? Nothing.

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