What's it like playing as a Night Elf Mage?

Night Elf Mages lore exists due to the absorption of any remaining NE Highborne and the Shen’dralar society during Cataclysm. So players could RP as either a Kaldorei who has been trained as a Mage, or as a Shen’dralar Elf who has returned to Kaldorei society.

In my mind, that pretty much makes Night Elf Shen’dralar the first unofficial allied race. It’s like Blizzard had the idea for it, but didn’t push the envelope.

The same thing for Wildhammer Dwarves and their Shaman; are Dwarf Shaman from Ironforge who were trained as Shaman, or are they the remaining Wildhammers that were absorbed after Twilight Highlands got rekt? Probably a little of both.

It looks like Blizzard doesn’t mechanically recognize the distinction though due to game reasons (like the Bronzebeard heritage armor).


Playing as a Night Elf Mage is heresy any folthy Highborne should go about their questing with the fear of a Warden’s glaive at the back of their neck. :dagger::dagger::dagger:


Don’t get me wrong, the Elven eye customization is great. But I wish they’d give us Wildhammer tattoos while they’re at it. Since I doubt we’ll get another Dwarven AR (which makes me sad we’ll have no Wildhammer druids). I’m still a bit salty the Mag’har got options for most of their clans, but the corresponding Alliance AR is just the Dark Irons, and Dark Irons alone, instead of some “Dwarven Clans” option.


Very much this. I roleplay my Shaman as Wildhammer and I’d kill for this. If I recall I think Wildhammers are slightly taller and leaner (don’t recall where it’s mentioned) but other than that they look exactly the same as Ironforge Dwarves.

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Elune is okay I guess but she seems like a rather unreliable goddess. Have you ever considered accepting our Lord and savior n’zoth into your heart? If he’s one thing it’s consistent, and of course you’ll get ALL of your night elf lands back once the world is shrouded in eternal twilight. Are you a druid? No problem! With shando xavius you too can serve our dark lords will and bring the whole of creation into his darkest nightmares. So what do you say? Blight the light and embrace the nightmare with our dark lord?


That might be from the RPG, I think. But, it still might have been mentioned elsewhere. I know the RPG, while not canon, is what made me really latch on to the idea of a Wildhammer druid. I’d even play Guardian (I hate tanking), just to RP this:

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Another issue is that the night elves don’t have access to the “plucky underdog” trope that Humans have a stranglehold on.

They will always be an inferior choice.


I don’t see where that’s relevant in making or playing the character. Or running a Human mage for that matter. My firebrand redheaded human mage is no puppy dog.

“Folthy” that souds more like how I take my beer. Nice and folthy.

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I don’t know what a soud is but you better watch yourself, Mana Addict.

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Enough of a threat to balance that Blizzard need to pre-emptorially kick their teeth in.

Did you seriously just dig up a two year old thread that you already posted in to work in some comment to try to justify Blizzard’s decision to burn Teldrassil?


Blizzard doesn’t need to justify anything… it’s their story and their intellectual property. but narratively speaking it doesn’t fit their storyline to have the Night Elves become a dominant power.

It’s actually not their story. It’s the Shareholders’ story. The entirety of Blizzard could be fired and restructured tomorrow and they would have no say in what happens to the IP. Shareholders want profits - and I’m confident in saying that this little tale threatens those.

Past that, the idea that you again, dug up a two year old thread just to dump on people who are upset with Teldrassil is mystifying to me.

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I don’t go digging up threads, I just get hit with them when I’m crossing the road. They just come barrelling down the highway not noticing where they are because they’re humming the theme to “The Tick”.

Either that or my forum settings are stuck on Marshal McLuan mode. That tends to happen more often in your second half century.


So you get attacked by two year old threads?

What a nightmare!

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It’s more like I get picked up by them while I’m drunk on Diet Coke.