Whats happening in Suramar? (Headcanon)

This is less a headcanon and more a musing, but I wonder if the Nightborne have any sort of interest in the Naga? When you think about it, they’re actually quite closely related. Due to the age thing, and the social caste, there’d be Nightborne who have friends from Zin’Azshari who BECAME Naga. I kinda wonder sometimes if any of them are curious to find out more about their naga friends, and their former queen.


What if the Naga target them and attack? I don’t know what value that would bring for the Naga, maybe there’s some sequestered treasure or relic they want to steal back? Perhaps they just want to be like my sister when she would go up to the old abandon mental hospital and beat up the high schoolers and steal all their beer or in this case arc wine?

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apparently the naga are still addicted to magic? having them kidnapping elves of all stripes to drain em to ease the cravings would be a pretty good setup

having night warrior tyrande, thalyssra, liadrin and alleria fighting back to back against a big horde of naga would be :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:


Also there’s a lot of canals around Suramar City that the Naga could easily use to attack from …and at first, without even showing themselves! Just swim around, wait for some Nightborne guy or gal to peer over like ‘Oi wot’s dis den’ and then reach up, grab their head, pull 'em under water and bam. Naga Assassin.

And then keep doing this before launching a proper surface invasion. A lot of chaos and people freaking out beforehand would also strain on the local military, probably, as they try to identify and contain the threat.

And that’s just leaving out magic spells!

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What has me currently curious is if there is a band of Nightborne traveling around Azeroth and trying all the ales the world has to offer. Nightborne connoisseur.

…Blizzard we need a connoisseur title.

I only just noticed that the title of this thread is “Headcannon” not “Headcanon”.

So I suspect the Nightborne will all shoot us with their Headcannons. BOOM!


haha, that’s the French in me, wasn’t sure if it was one n or two. I was too lazy to look it up. lol.

I want a headcannon. Do only the Nightborne get headcannons? :frowning:

At this point I feel like you’re just biased and only seeing this from your character’s perspective. Keep it in character but don’t start imposing your roleplaying and head canon upon others.

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Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s Drive-Thru.


I was a different age when this post was initially put up


A whole human being could have been made and come into the world inbetween the final post and the necromancy that was practiced here today.

I want that to sink in.

Oh hey this old beast of a thread back on the dashboard.

I like to imagine Suramar has some really good baked goods made from mana like conjured pastries. Unlike most mortals I imagine Suramar has perfected the craft of making food from magic and the taste of a mana-made bun from Suramar is something akin to tasting ambrosia.

God, remember when we all debated what Thalyssra’s reaction to the War of Thorns would be, only for the answer to be “basically nothing?”


I forgot I created this post.

It is rapidly approaching Old God levels.

It dies, it lives, it dies again. It is outside the Cycle.


Just want to say that before allied races were ever announced, I played through Legion on both factions and posted that it seemed Horde was going to get Nightborne and Alliance High Elves — and got roasted for it.

I also don’t think it was ever about hurt feelings. Maybe she just really likes being on the losing side? And look how it turned out, Horde lost the 4th war (and Sylvanas broke the 4th wall).

Also, one thing I never predicted was how hard Thalryssa would lean in on Lor’rhemar like wow, yeah he’s hot and all but damn girl.

So what’s happening in Suramar? Well, pretty soon there’s going to be a lot of arcwine masquerade parties that require mop ups thanks to the Belf diplomatic mission.


But we saw it happen.

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In all fairness to the Nighborne, the Night Elves really were a bunch of raging dbags about the whole thing.

Tyrande has this energy about her during Suramar in which you get the impression that the fact the Nightborne didn’t die to the last man, woman, and child opposing the Legion that they are all somehow corrupt in her eyes.

Besides, my headcanon for the choice is more the Blood Elves own sense of guilt being the principle reason they treated the Nightborne better then their Alliance counterparts. After all, the Sin’dorei aggressively culled their withered population only to discover the Nightfallen and the capacity for them to be redeemed.

There had to be a moment of “Oh…oh.” for the Blood Elf people. I also imagine those Nightborne tourists in Silvermoon are given aggressively curated tours of the region.

…huh, that’s got me thinking. How does a Nightborne react on Quel’Danas? They are fueled by the magic tree (Can’t recall what it’s called) or the Nightwell. But I wonder if they get a “contact high” off the Sunwell or if it makes them sick?

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