What's going on with bgs?

And, none of these are 50+ ilvls higher than those at the bottom of the bracket.

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Sure, it’s all scaled down. One item level means much more at low levels than it does at high.

hey thers nothn wrong with twinking. i do it everday after school if nobody is on in my fortnite clan (ggezxD)

There’s really no need for that.

Okay Craig.

That made me think of CCR for some reason.

tell me at the higher level of 120 rated or non rated its not the same thing?

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It requires a macro. I won’t go into detail about an exploit on the forums.

Shhh. Don’t make any noise, they are at the door again.

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What do you get out of it? Winning, praise from your fellow peers, twink rivalries, dueling higher level players, powerleveling in old dungeons. Remember, when you twink, you don’t only affect the enemy team. Your own team usually is glad to see you and don’t mind the fact that you’re taking away from their glory, as you deserve it.
http s://imgur.com/21yrAVN
http s://imgur.com/6OwAryp
http s://imgur.com/QoEkF6c
http s://imgur.com/bu5csOg

Just a few examples I found

Not really an attack. I justify it as playing the game as it was originally intended, before the people who demand balance and homogenized classes that can perform everything just as well as any other began being the catered to playerbase, as they became the majority through slow changes made to the game over the 15 years.

This is not the standard case. Most twinks do 1.5-2x more damage than a regular player. Their survivability is only assured by the fact that many twinks queue with healers that know the power of the twink and want to ensure their survival.

There are outliers though. Take this character for example. I am one of those “unkillable twinks”. Blizzard neglected to consider the power of Azerite gear on a 110, which has lead me to having 4x the amount of health of a normal player. Twinks and non-twinks can both agree that that is completely out of hand.

Theres a gentle balance of PVP that has to be upheld in WoW, otherwise it would be just a boring spellshooter “RPG” pvp experience. If gear didn’t matter (Legion) PVP feels like a stale version of many other better games like MOBAS. Character customization and growing as a character is a staple of this game. A purely even playing field will ruin PVP more than Azerite traits and the rediculous gear you can get in raids at the moment.

That might be true in your case, but not the majority. Please dont speak for us.

This is a huge part of twinking. Daily I would run across the same crew of 5 alliance twinks at 110, and those games would be more intesnse and fun than RBGs at 120. There are many reasons, but a sense of community is a large part.

Another reason for twinking now is to get revenge on those who separated us. Its petty, but boy does it feel good to get rage whispers demanding to know how you got back into BGs.


It’s absolutely true that you want an enormous advantage, otherwise you wouldn’t specifically gear the way you do and have 4x the health of a normal player.

You can call it what you want as for the motivational reasons you twink, but when it all comes down to it, it’s an ego boost. I’m not saying that as an attack on you or the twink community. Everyone in the world boosts their ego in one way or another. Yours just happens to be non-max level PVP in WoW. There’s nothing wrong with that, other than some of you glitching the queue system to join XP on BG’s.

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I kill 120s on this character. I run islands and old raids much faster than on my 120 destro lock. I have plenty of reasons that you choose to ignore.


HP was fairly even. Never saw a twink with 4 times the amount.


Sure and those reasons no longer include bullying XPON bg’s, unless of course you’re an exploiter. Cry?

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Can’t use bullying and cry in the same paragraph :joy:


Your inverted logic is showing.

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Sure thing.

And every one of those things gives you an ego boost, as does your main reason that you keep failing to acknowledge.

You may think I’m against you or twinks in general, but if you happen to see my other thread, you’ll see that I actually support you guys and have even thought of an idea that might help make everyone a bit happier.

Breaking News: winning makes you feel good. More at 11.

Never said that, but telling me why I do things is wrong.