Honestly, most of my alts. I really love mechanics of a number of classes, but don’t care for the archetypes of them. That’s why I always end up on my paladin again.
For example, I love Affliction Warlock DoT mechanics, but I’m not really into the edgy dark wizardy stuff. So much so that I created a gnome with a huge pink moustache and a funny name to be my lock.
Or hunter. Such a guilty pleasure class, but I don’t feel anything for the fantasy of hunters at all.
Or rogue. I love the PvP aspect of stealth, but being edgy ninja assassin is again not my thing.
Love playing Shadow Priest. HATE HATE HATE the class fantasy, especially all the new old god and void flavors. I miss it being a SHADOW priest. I also hate Shadowform lol.
Would die of happiness if we ever got a glyph or class skin to make Shadow Priest light themed cosmetically
Wouldn’t we all eh? I’d settle for having the shadow ravens back.
Being a pure master of shadow with some light was better than the theme they went with.
A sub rogue feels more like a melee shadow priest than shadow priests themselves IMO.
But sure, I’d love for a ranged Holy DPS spec to be a thing in this game.
I just want Power Word: Shield and Levitate to not be so sparkly when I’m in Shadowform.
I love the Voidpriest concept, personally. I’m a big horror fan and being a creature made out of shadow and channeling death and madness is right up my alley. But the sparkles are just silly.
Cant answer ur question but i can in reverse. I think outlaw rogue could lean a lot more into the pirate theme it had going for it in legion but it just doesnt in its gameplay. I love the idea of the spec but it does not play at all like what i was hoping it wouldve
See? I’m hip. I’m with it. How do you do, fellow kids?
On a more serious note, I loathe what they did to the shadow class fantasy; both with priests, and in general. It was a lot more interesting with it being a balance of light and shadow, not light and cthulu-adjacent. It feels like it undercut the lore they already had, and replaced it with something weird.
You mean ‘you will never really see your mogs’?
It used to kind of make sense, but now it’s just redundant. You can cast any spell in it. That really should be a glyph to allow you to gain the cosmetic of Shadowform, if you want it.
I do not.
Turning Shadowform into those Shadow Ravens from Mists (I think) would be amazing.