Separate dragon and visage transmogs. I can live with the barber shop armor if I must but at least untie the two forms
In addition to cosmetic glyphs I would like one to make Disintegrate sound like Godzilla’s atomic breath attack. Disintegrate has almost no sound and that’s boring.
I’d also like the barber shop armor colors to be expanded. Specifically a red/silver and blue/gold option. We should be able to wear horde and alliance colors
Visage forms expanded to include the base races would be nice, even if they didn’t have the draconic options, I’d be happy.
Another option I think would be cool is maybe let visage form use all transmog types. It’s not uncommon to see dragons turn into an elf in a robe, or a Draenei in plate armor. The visage is just a magical illusion, so it would make sense that it doesn’t have to match the actual Dracthyr form. I think this should only be an option if you don’t have visage in combat enabled though.
Another idea I had was Dracthyr specific manuscripts that unlock dragon appearances of bosses. For example maybe one to unlock Onyxia’s colors and fin/horn options. Maybe another for Sinestra, or Deathwing. There’s lots of dragons they could do. I realize this is probably way out there and will never happen but still.
Can we also get a glyph that makes eternity surge shoot more energy bolts at each target? No extra damage, just extra razzle dazzle
That we can actually turn into a bigger dragon like a mini aspect lol
Like sand drake flying form mount?
that would be great actually
Full range is all I want.
I’d like some glowing effects, optional of course for our dragon form. Similar to the aspects and of our choosing in terms of color. These would be for wings, tail, horns and eyes.
I want a glyph that changes our fire abilities to have shadowflame coloring if we so desire it, strictly for devestation. The same could be said for infinite effects for our sands of time, some more magma effects for our earth abilities and maybe even emerald nightmare/ardenweld themed effect glyphs for the other flights.
Id like some more intimidating faces, broader snouts and a more rough appearance if we want it. I want to be able to and we should have all the different dragons appearances (the aspects) as face options? Like Alexstraza’s face should be an option for my snout shape/face? As we have aspects of all the flights.
Id like to see some primalist and even proto-drake variations to our options as well maybe, I think it’d be nifty to be able to have fire horns like Fyrak if we wanted.
Id like for them to consider making one melee evoker spec, and make it more of the darker sides of dragonkind. So something like a netherwing/storm-dragon fighting style? Maybe even calling the storms around us and it could be named “stormeater” as Vyranoth teaches it to us and names the spec after her sister.
More horns and tail options please…
Customization options for our wings as well, Id like to choose how they look…
Storm dragon (stormheim, we liberate them with vyranoth), Netherwing, fairy-dragon and cloud serpent themed customization for our true draconic form. I can’t believe I need to say this but this race should represent the whole of what is dragon-kind in game. Because I Really dont see them making another dragon-kin race after how evoker/dracthyr went… so let them cover all the bases.
Sorry if I dont have anything for the visage form… honestly I barely use it and couldn’t care less about it. But for those who want to use it full time I dont see why it shouldn’t be possible… given both quests about it indicate some dracthyr prefer it over their more bestial nature.
To add to the above, Id like to be able to use all of my abilities (relating to empowered abilities) while hovering. Or have a talent/hero talent that allows for us to do it. Please.
Separate the transmog between our visage form and our normal Dracthyr form. Nothing annoys me more about Evokers than this.
Better run animation, a glyph for this so people have options would be best as I’m sure some people like the silly animation we currently have.
Instant soar, at least if you are already in the air and falling so you don’t need to glide down, only to fly up again. I don’t mind the way it works now when you are on the ground flying up.
More barber shop options, armor, and color options for armor.
Give us tier sets that completely work with our Evoker form. It’s awkward how all this works, it could easily be done better.
Rework Firestorm so the button is fun to press without such a talent investment.
Shadow Flame cosmetic glyph, much like Warlocks and Green Fire. Other options like this would also be great.
Mabe free up a few talent points by making things baseline but I’m no expert so idk if it’s needed, would just feel nice to have the option to take a few QoL talents without ruining ourselves.
the running animation kills me, i have leveled 2 now, i am able to look past the running, arm flappin like im a show horse. im locked into trying to get better as evoker after realizing how amazing an dominate this class is. they are only goin to get better in tww. With that said, i started looking at mainin this class after hearing that we will be able to stay in visage form during combat. Hopium dreams
The ability to tank…cough augmentation
You should get that checked out, seems like it’s causing some delusions.