What you would like for Evoker

This is basically a universal problem with talents in general. All the passive ones really do is put your spells/abilities where theyre meant to be.

All those “boosts” to hover are just a point tax, cause no one is gonna NOT take them. Same with the many, many wonderful nodes that boost damage/healing/crit by (insert percentage here).

Its like being given a choice between 80,90,or 100 bucks. The difference isnt massive. But there is no objective reason to choose less. Choice nodes are usually a lot better, but can sometimes still be head scratchers.

Most of those passive nodes could be deleted tomorrow and made baseline, and you wouldnt even feel a difference, except having a much smaller, cleaner tree with options that make sense. Heres hoping for that in the upcoming hero trees. Some of them look pretty awesome.


I would love more range the most. :slight_smile:

Soar not dismounting when I land would be fantastic.

More of a Dracthyr thing than an Evoker thing but options for armours–At the very least the single colour options (ie with the gold set being gold + red + blue, adding a gold + red, and a gold + blue separate options). With Dracthyr opening up to other classes, more armour options in general for different class vibes would be good (more cloth or leather stuff for example)


what did people think when they wanted old talent trees back?

this is called Chosen Identity and is located in your General spell book tab. It will shift you out of dracthyr form into your visage when ever combat ends or you land from flying.

What we need is Perma Visage option that lets us use it in combat. When activating skills like, Eternity surge and Fire Breath, Dream Breath, Deep breath, Dream flight and Verdant Embrace you should shift into your Dracthyr form for the duration of the spell animation and then shift back to visage.


Wanna clarify that Worgens have also tamed the Rage 8years back in the in game lore, so they should have complete control over their worgen form in combat. Again using the Worgen rage form for cooldowns as its a moment of pure uncontrollable power.

Or optionally turn it on in a chosen identity spell.

Racials would define people picking worgen or human. I expect this in midnight.

Edit: Give Vulpera Running Wild, it only makes sense.

The only ones that come to mind are Soar leaving a certain aspect smear behind you.

Fire for Ruby
Frost for Frost
Magic for Azure
Small burning pebbles and rocks for Obsidian
Flowers or Vines growing off the wings for Green
Bronze Dust for Bronze


Eternity Surge is Fire animation now
Fire Breath is Arcane Animation now
Breath of Eons is more Black Dragonflight attuned now
Dream Flight is Alexstrazas Fire Breath from the Siege of the wrath gate cinematic (go back and watch it, its great)

Just make it a toggle like Druid has, except nerf druids dragon riding to require a cast time so they dont become king of the skys, while dragons are left in the dust, like Dark iron mole machines and their lack of update after BFA.

everything but the shoes.

Id also like to see a Wingless Drachtyr model, it looks like a saronid from MoP and you can magically grow wings with soar. Id totally play an armorless Saronid.

Outside of those, Races for Visage. 1 per patch, it wouldnt be hard, especially with the Elf and dragon ears comign to the human race in 11.0

Every time you release an allied race, just make the art department make variations of that race for Dracthyr.

I completely understand things like Undead being a weird choice for Visage, off the top of my head i cant name a single visage dragon that is undead.

Mix this with perma visage mentioned above and you would have zero excuse to not release them.

Even release them with a lack of features and update them over time or via quests and delves and such. Make the playerbase engage with the content to unlock cosmetics for your races (this should include all races)


My (admittedly no-way-in-fel) desire is for the following:

any ability that hover allows to be cast-on-the–move to be changed to cast-on-the-move by default, and hover to allow for cast-on-the-move empower abilities.

If they’re going to say we’re the most mobile ranged class, let us actually be the most moble ranged class.


They added a talentnote for Aug= 5 more yards range.

Atleast a bit :slight_smile: at new addon thou.

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I dont mind the range limit for devas, it fits the archetype. But aug which is meant to be support spec does need extra ramge for better support. Same goes for healing spec, all healers should have min range of 40

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Honestly there are way better talents to put points into than 5 yards imo, but it’s cool they gave the option to the people that want it.

I’m sure there will be fights where it feels better to take, but I doubt it’ll be meta.

I agree. There should be 40 y for all Healers :slight_smile:

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What’s more important is what that talent node replaced: spatial paradox, which is now a 3 minute cooldown in the class tree on a choice node with time spiral.

Yeah, as someone that always takes spacial paradox but rarely takes time spiral, i’m happy my fellow evokers are going to have access to it without me losing out (apart from whatever point i need to move to access it). I do feel bad for Augs that take both but will now have to choose, though.

Bro. If your only excuse or reason is “some people can’t do it as well” that is literally the definition of a skill issue. Get better tbh, and you’ll do the thing.

That’s not toxicity, that’s just literal facts.


Its no excuse.

Its just better to play. And you can name it skill-issue if you like, np. Its just my opinion and i won t change it bec. of you :slight_smile:

The problem is you’re trying to present your opinion as a fact. It’s not a fact. The fact is that’s a skill issue that is easily solvable, and even admitted by you in this thread.

What people don’t seem to realize (because critical thinking, who needs it, right?) is that that “skill issue” translates to is “limitations requiring compensation.” The range evoker struggle with is a limitation that needs to be overcome, and not everyone wants to have to deal with that glaring issue even though they otherwise enjoy the class.

And they’re not wrong for wishing that limitation didn’t exist. The range of evoker does not equal class identity. Not for everyone, at least.


Yup thanks for understanding me.

Its always funny if someone wishes for some better gameplay, some players asap coming with “skill issues”.

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Some people find melee too hard (like me.) And thus can’t play melee well.

So where’s my 40 yard compensation crusader strike for holy paladin?

30 yard, heavy hitting, short cool down ranged spell for a melee class.

Except this is misinformation.

The range is less of a limitation in this expansion than the typical number of fights that are a limitation for melee.

Calling something a “glaring issue” on a class that performed well all expansion is also misinformation.

It is a “limitation” and “glaring issue” for people that refuse to get better with the toolkit. If this weren’t the truth, we wouldn’t have literally years of log data proving it accurate.

Even the fight that gets harped on for being a struggle with our range (Nymue) had us at #2/3 on the fight for season 3.

And claiming the range is a “limitation requiring compensation” while admitting that the players are the limitation is the most hilariously bad statement I’ve witnessed from you, and that’s saying a lot since these forums are loaded with your bad advice and misinformation.

At any rate, the changes coming with hero talents will make struggling with the range even less of an excuse than it is now.


perma visage form i really want that, dk can summon the 4 horsemen, mage fenix, would be awesome if one dragon could help us, not like a pet, but exp: a green dragon from the dream healing like a dreamsurge or something like that would be awesome