What you guys are not seeing with the covenant system

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe at release of Shadowlands people will start abusing the covenants and conduits to find broken builds and blizzard will have to “balance” them (nerf). This is something that will happen and how things are going to be, abilities and passives get changed all the time.
You will be penalized for changing covenants and will have to regrind the conduits again, making your choice a pain that is handicapping you. This affects everyone.


Yeah they should remove all choices so there is total balance!

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I LOVE (that’s sarcasm) how when given a realistic example of what will probably happen, you just just to the extreme of removing everything.

Nothing makes me lose faith in people faster than these ‘all or nothing’ people…


Everyone is seeing that coming from a mile away.


You can’t do anything with the Covenants until max level 60.

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Or…hear me out…choosing a covenant based purely on lore/aesthetic/story is a meaningful choice, and having a new row or two of talents also gives meaningful choices.

So within the first 5-6 hours.


oh i see, so you’re the only person in the world with your super intellect to have seen this, and you have to enlighten the rest of us? oh okay sure

This, just some of us have a tiny flicker of hope waiting to be stomped into the ground by bad Blizz balance.

except Blizzard

Guys don’t worry, the covenants will be perfectly balanced. Blizzard hired a mathmagician to make sure the numbers just worked.

Ok so some people will find a super annoying oath be be slightly stronger and you think somehow that means everyone is going to think the annoyance is worth giving up on playing the choices they actually want? Personally I say let them if they want to min max make it as annoying as possible so most people won’t and there will be a lack of people to fill their groups with dumb requirements.

People will be finding them (hopefully) during Beta. That’s what Beta is supposed to be for. Again, hopefully, they will be found and Blizzard will listen.

First and foremost I do not believe the covenant system as currently designed is a wise game design decision.

I said this elsewhere and I’ll repeat it here as that’s not exactly public:

Covenants are intended to be punishing by design, they are not intended to be fun, engaging, interesting, or balanced content. Conduits and soulbinds are supposed to be the fun, engaging, interesting, and balanced content. So it’s not that it’s being missed, it is that it is wholly intentionally being ignored unfortunately.

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Remember all the feedback provided by the community during BfA Alpha and Beta on the lack of balance? Same in Legion? Yeah, the balance did not happen or only patch X.1 or X.2.

Same with many bugs (The DC from the Warrior’s Hall Class anyone? Bug found in Alpha, fixed at least in 7.3 if not after?)

Oh, I’m not really holding out much hope that the system will be fine at release. There will be problems. Still, there is that small part of me that still hopes Blizzard will finally listen this time.

My hope of that died with 8.0. I won’t be ordering SL until 9.0 releases and I can verify the marketing for this x-pac isn’t just snake oil.

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This is part of why covenants aren’t all that well designed.

Having meaningful choice is good. Having the ability to change it but not necessarily on a whim every 5 minutes is good.

Tying it all to a secondary grind system is bad.

They should have done other stuff with the covenants and expanded character customization on our characters. Plus that way we don’t have to keep getting a new system of borrowed power every expansion.

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What!? It’s only 144 sub classes… Easy to balance right.

We’ll ignore the fact they’ve been struggling to balance 36 specs (which are also technically sub classes)

Why not just go back to gear meaning gear and classes be based on your talents not borrowed power systems? I mean it only worked from classic through WOD and pretty much every other MMO out there.