"What Words are Worth" Bugged

Also bugged for me, but flagging pvp worked.

Still bugged today, but the flagging PvP work around worked for me and my husband (:

Still bugged today, but the flagging PvP work around worked for me and my husband (:

still bugged but just standing there also worked

I had to abandon the quest and re-do it about 8-9 times before it worked.

Just keep on abandoning and re-doing… it’ll work… eventually.

Great game, Blizz. “Come get your stupid totem transmog!” Well, I can’t. Thanks.

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Still bugged, but this eventually worked for me. Is a cut-scene supposed to happen here, is that why everyone seems to stand around for 5 minutes doing nothing?

Flagging for PvP worked for me, thankfully.

Disabling addons worked for me

Toggling pvp worked to fix the bug

Just going to add this, as I just ran into this issue as well… I did the log out, back in…I did not do the pvp flagging. What I did that worked was I abandoned it, got the quest again, then backed up off the rug that the quest item sits on. I backed up far enough for it to still be usable and it worked.

Still bugged for me.

Tried getting as far away from the object while still clickable, didn’t work.
Moved off the rug and waited about 1 minute before the ‘vision’ started. NPCs conversed, the other two left early and only Baine remained. No quest credit received after it was completed so I had to abandon and try again.

Trying again after that made it start immediately, and the conversation progressed to its completion and I was able to hand in the quest.

Its a very slow conversation that takes place, just wait. No need to flag pvp or anything, the NPCs are just slow to talk to each other.

Just done this. I simply abandoned and then retook the quest to place the stuff in the bowl about 3 or 4 times and then it seemed to work.

Months later, still bugged…

Without dropping quest, I hearthed, tagged pvp, untagged pvp, flew back out, and was able to complete quest.