Unlock Vulpera before going to work. When I get home, play my new Vulpera before bed. Next day I have off so will start the Black Empire quest on my main, get my cloak and run the assaults.
- Work for most of the day
- Start the new 8.3 story line stuff
- Have a BM at some point
- D&D in the evening. /roll 1-20
Delete all my toons.
I’ll probably sit at the login screen for an hour trying to decide if I want to play Priest , Mage or Shaman this patch, and (eventually) choose which one will become the lucky Vulpera !
I’ll be working, so glad they waited until after the holidays to drop the patch. My schedule is so free now.
after doing some grocery shopping, will be leveling a panda dk because I’ll be sure to be hungry and ready to kill someone with vengeance and thirst.
I’m gonna unlock Vulpera. I haven’t been to Mechagon since like early July so I’m not gonna get Mechagnome race. Which is ok since 8.2 never kept my interest.
You don’t need the whole arm, just hoist it up to your desk then your hand can handle the rest
Need to work on my cloak. I want to be raid ready by next week!
Also, considering recruiting more folks to our raid group. We’re pretty low on body count, so if any Hordie here is interested…
̶̼̘͎̭̎̾̓̎̃̇͠YRR N’LYE̶͙̪̫̿̈́͋TH ̷̠͙̯̠̀́̈́͝SHUUL W’ ̶̲͔͌͆̋͌̈SHHHHHHHHH!
Sk’yahf qi’magg luk sshoq anagg’qen, for
Shath’gral ynyq. Weq… weq… weq…
Hope the servers can hold every 120 in the game doing the same thing
then re log and QQ to myself that this is going to be OK
At some point get the 3-4 hour ( heard all kinds of stuff about it ) quest line done… Hopefully
Then relax… and do it all again.,.
Good times ahead~
Unlock Rachet and Clank, mess around with them and allied DK’s to figure out what i do and don’t like.
Then decide who on my roster is getting added, deleted, race-changed, etc.
Then pick my mains per faction, then take them on a trip to Tenacle-Land.
Will get really drunk waiting for the servers to come up because tomorrow is my day off. By the time the servers are back up, I’ll probably be passed out on the floor somewhere in the house.
By the time I wake up it’ll probably be the morning after and I’ll have to go to work.
Work on the main questline - if it’s too frustrating I plan to fish. Relaxing, I recommend it.
I have exactly zero hype for this patch and have only logged in a handful of times over the last few months because this expansion has gotten so stale and awful. That said, I genuinely hope it’s better than I’m expecting and it gets me playing again. I’m not looking to whine. I’m looking for literally any reason not to at this point. Hope it’s good.
You finally admit that the foxes are way more sexy then Elves!
I’ll probably do my weekly mount runs tomorrow once the realms are back up. Also going to create a Vulpera seeing as that race is available tomorrow.
Other than that, I’ll probably farm some battle grounds. Would love to hit the 100k HK achievement before end of expansion comes.
You smell positivism too much!
I am sure you are getting paid to write theses bullets in this forum!
- Balance PvP
unlock vulpera, and roll-up my monk.