What will you do 2 years from now?

stupid question
Do it again of course!


I’ll host weekly capital city raids by sneaking into the tram via ironforge, lock summoning 3+ raids worth of people, and giving Stormwind the nolube treatment horde style.

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Installs security cameras

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Switch to the other faction and do it again!


Pvp without ever being behind in gear again. Ever. I can rest knowing no matter how long a break I take, I can come back and queue up on equal standing gear wise.


To add to my earlier post, I too will also still be playing Classic. There is a LOT of content and I don’t like to rush through. I plan on playing at least 4 classes, prob more!


You think that will only take two years. Haha.


Only 1 geared T3 character? More alts of course.

… and hopefully getting ready for D4 release.

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You’ve got high hopes for me. I’m sorry I’ll be dashing them.

I’ll be leveling with family and friends, so there’s at least two characters that will be at someone else’s pace. I’ll be leveling alts, with an early focus on completing all the Horde-side questing (my primary goal). I’ll be making friends, and with all my alts they can be across the range of levels so I’m around to do a dungeon


What an original question/post. How can I possibly answer something that no one has ever thought of before? I can feel the question melting my brain. Melting! Oh, what a world!

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Just chill on the Ironforge AH bridge and showoff.

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Man, I don’t even know what I’ll be doing the next day let alone a couple years from now.

hope that tbc is round the corner


I’ll be impressed if I’ve cleared Naxx by that point. Often to my detriment, I value the quality of the company I keep over my own personal progression.

This will, however, be the last time my warrior suffers a gear reset. All in or not at all.


Probably still be stuck in BWL.


This game has like 10 years worth of content. In 2 years, i woll hope to have a bunch of 60s that each have specific profs and reasons to be alive. Haha. One day, i want to try and organize another 40 v 40 pally vs shammy war.


Sit back and celebrate the 2 year anniversary of reading this thread!


Keep playing, gear is not an objective for me, but a tool to do whatever I want.

I already palyed 8 years wotlk, a expansion I hate, just because everyone I knew was there. Classic, something I really like, + people I care playing together? I’ll probably last a decade


As other people have said, if you actually think anyone but bleeding-edge raiding guilds (which will be a tiny minority) will have downed Kel’Thuzad even once in two years, you’re on a collision course with disappointment. Which may well cause you to stop playing before you hit level 60.

But for my part, whenever I get however far in raiding that I ever get…I’ll do non-raiding things. If I truly can’t think of anything I want to do on a level 60 character at that moment, start a new character.


hopefully makin babies