What to use? Bite or Claw? (Classic)

Unless they kept the elemental resistance pets…you probably won’t raid with them at all…They’ll just die.

I see what Naham is referring to. It’s simple.
Bite does more DPS and is more Focus efficient but has a 10sec cd.
So if you ONLY claw then the result is a DPS loss UNLESS you incorporate Bite on CD. ONLY using bite would be horrible because you would waste focus like you said, the focus could be used for claw while waiting for Bite CD; thus managing pet focus is important if you are trying to do more DPS

It’s basically a priority system:
1: Bite
2: Claw for filler (leave enough focus to bite on CD)

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I would agree, but there is a real gameplay problem with this solution. The pet can only learn 4 active abilities. For example, a cat would most likely learn Dash, Prowl, Growl, and Bite OR Claw. If you wanted a pet that was raid only you could forgo Growl or Prowl, but that pet would be much less useful the rest of the time. Pets also have the issue of being very susceptible to death on many fights.

I have found the best pet to be a Son of Hakkar simply because it is the only pet that can reliably add to my DPS on ALL fights. For any fight with cleave or PBAoE damage I use only Lightning Breath from range as much as focus will allow. On fights where those are not an issue, I send in the pet to do melee damage as well. It may be less than optimal, but over the course of all fights in say BWL, I have found it to be the best possible DPS.

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