What to know before transferring to Earthfury?

Transferring from Faerlina to Earthfury to get around the login queue. Stopped playing my geared lock a few days before WPVP started and have missed out anything since. I’ll probably spent most of my time on PvP but will hit PvE as desired.

How’s server balance, economy, proper guilds, and all that on EF? Would you say locks are in demand? Anything else I should know?

allys out number us 3 to 1, economy seems to be a joke to most people I cant look at the action house without feeling like I just got trolled, Guilds do fine its not like any of this content is hard anyway, locks were in demand months ago Im not up to date on the news about them but I’m sure you’ll find a home just fine.

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we need more horde. We dont want any felerina alliance tryhards. We have cuptank, no more elitist needed.