What the waffles is going on at Blizzard?

I’d also say it turns people off, if their favorite main is just utter garbage. Sure you can tell an ele shammy or a feral druid to level a new class or spec and main that. But how long until that just grinds them the wrong way and they just take a break or quit altogether?


I think they have given up. It’s depressing. Very depressing. I work hard and take care of my obligations for life and I had one little vice. One little corner where for a few hours every other day I could just escape with other players in a world that felt organic, a world I loved. That has been stolen from us in favor for a theme park ride. Keep your hands and feet inside the cart at all times kids. And it’s not just Blizzard ( A company I have been an absolute fan boy of for 17 years!) other game companies are waffles on their fan bases too. “Turn your players into payers” as the Science Revenue waffles hats say. /sigh


I wouldn’t say given up, I mean they are putting effort in. It’s just compared to other MMO devs like FF14, GW2 and even ESO, they seem to be slacking. Almost as if they’ve grown complacent. Or they feel as if they can do no wrong.


If you have to ask then you haven’t played this spec

The numbers don’t matter half as much to me as the gameplay. Talents, spells, whatever–the classes all around just generally feel kind of flat and empty to me.

They’ve pruned far too much from them, they’re not fun to me anymore. Not like they used to be. Legion hid it behind artifacts and legendaries, but those are gone now.


Honestly BFA in total feels like a level down from Legion even if you disregard artifacts. Maybe given up is the wrong term, more like “our best people are working on mobile projects now”.


It was actually 2 raids in when they got buffed


Fair enough. I will say they are not viable for reasons. I was not trolling I was serious. I have not played the spec.

I think someone else here said something about it (or maybe it was in that one Reddit thread the OP was mentioning), but Activision has been putting their hands on Blizzard a lot more these days and it’s showing.

I really hope they take a good look at this and realize this is what happens when they try to manipulate what Blizzard does, because all of this early release of the expansions is just not working out. What Blizzard was doing before was not the most cost-effective, but what they’re doing right now is just flat out destroying the community and creating a rift between the company and the players.

The World of Warcraft franchise is their current cash cow, but it won’t be for long if they keep trying to go for efficiency and optimization.

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theres maybe a handful of specs that are happy atm. everyone else is suffering.

the transition from Legion to BFA has just crippled too many specs/classes. the " major overhaul " shamans, shadows etcs are getting are just numbers tweaks. they should of been implemented months ago.

hell blizz said months ago that talents like good karma for windwalkers are abhorrent gameplay that isnt intentional, and its been around since the ptr for the pre-patch for BFA without ANY changes from blizzard. its taking basically half a year to get off there behinds to do something about it. SEF for windwalkers is STILL bugged, and thats basically been like that since alpha of LEGION over an xpack ago, with it STILL bugged.

blizzard doesnt listen to feedback, and they do not care 1 iota. " when its ready " and " soon™ " used to mean we had to wait because it was going to be a quality product. now they just dont care. they really dont. anyone at blizzard who thinks or feels otherwise is fooling themselves. the quality is bad, and they should feel bad. the game is not fun. classes and specs arnt fun. i can rattle off a page of bugs alone for windwalker before even getting into the pathetic gameplay we have to put up with and our janky as hell damage distribution for the spec which ties into multiple gameplay issues for the spec which again, just makes it outright completely unfun to deal with. we didnt have these issues last xpack, these are all new to BFA. and whats the option: " just reroll if you arnt happy with it ". considering playing even one spec is painful enough, trying to find another spec that isnt riddled with similiar problems seems to be a lesson in futility in this xpack. the gameplay isnt fun, the systems arnt fun. timegating and garbage RNG on EVERYTHING, with tedious gameplay systems makes for a miserable and unfun play experience and thats part of the reason millions of players are dropping this xpack.

we have seen blizz can do infinitely better than this garbage. this xpack needs a top down reworking of most of its major systems. islands, warmode, warfronts, class design, RNG, timegating, pvp balance, reward structures and incentives, the mission board, professions all need to be overhauled and re-evaluated. one of the only things going well this xpack is somehow pokemon, i havnt seen any issues with it yet, so theres that :confused:

blizz need to really start talking to people and get there feedback. so much of the problems can be fixed. " time played metrics " wont even look good for the shareholders if theres nobody around to make up those hours played. like that guy from CDPR said, if you make a good game, the customers will look after you. they are treating us like dirt and like numbers on a spreadsheet instead of making a good game that players will stick around for.

do better.


I want that to happen, I really do. But how many times have we heard “We want to improve communication” from Blizz?


Or “We are aware of the issue and are looking into it”

Can only put up with so much wafflez for so long


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzTCUBCnUgY&t=287s had some good points that could “patch” a few woes up. But there is a lot more that needs to be done.

Can I get chicken to go with my waffles?

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Congratulations, you just discovered everything wrong with BfA.


It really doesn’t matter how good the content is if almost every class plays like garbage, idk how they manage to break them so thoroughly, idk if it has to do with the removal of artifacts and/or the GCD changes, all i know is that most specs feel clunky and not fun.

This is Dark Souls 2 levels of clunkyness


It’s both. Mainly the prune, though, but both have a hand in why they don’t feel good.

With the pruning from pre-patch Legion and the loss of artifact weapons, we’re missing a lot of… extra - utility, mobility, etc. Things that added to the class and made it something more.

Some of that’s been baked into the specs now, but a lot of it is just… gone for some specs. Azerite doesn’t fill that gap - in fact, it’s supposed to fill the ‘set bonus’ gap, so it can’t possibly do anything to make up for the loss of our artifacts. That’s why you see classes that once had a lot going for them become lackluster.

Add in a GCD on major cooldowns or other abilities and you make specs that might’ve run smoothly before feel stuttered in the more heated moments of fights. It doesn’t feel nice to pop a cooldown and have to wait for your other to come off the GCD just to pop that one as well. It isn’t nice to have to wait to pop a defensive because it’s attached to the GCD.


Remember, Ion was hired because of his number crunching.

Why do you think every piece of gear is an identical stat stick? Why do you think abilities have been cut so much? Why do you think everything is on GCD?

It makes his spreadsheets work put nicer. Everything would be perfectly balanced if we all played like robots according to his vision.

He neither knows nor cares about “fun”. His game is numbers. BfA is his vision.


Cataclysm and MoP had the same nonsense


I personally think this patch might be good for alts, maybe… but 8.2 is where I think Ill dedicate more time in BfA again, even though I will be behind those that stayed (creating a bigger gap between hardcore and casual as far as getting in is concerned) but I just want to have fun again in game during the expansion as I did in Legion.

Ive said to others here before the first month was down that Id stay regardless… but i can’t, its like watching reruns of Gilligan’s island. And worse is the truly die hard fans in guild are now gone for a sabbatical waiting to see news of story arcs improving and gameplay to be more engaging.