It’s the final patch so you’ll have plenty of time to raise a new paladin.
Yep. Whatever playable iteration we get of Drakonid, it needs to be, at its core, whatever gender, the polar opposite of Dracthyr in physicality. They need to be grounded, solid, primal. That savage presence that dragons have, but Dracthyr lack (by design).
I have strong suspicions that we won’t see Paladins, Shamans, and/or Druids expanded to all playable races until after the Worldsoul Saga. From the recent interview it sounds like they currently don’t intend to open up classes like Paladins to all playable races anytime soon and have no idea when they might decide to do something like that.
It’s slightly surprising that we might not see Paladins opened up for all races for Midnight, but I really don’t think we’re going to see something like Shamans for all or Druids for all anytime soon.
Midnight would probably be an expansion that the developers would like to open up the Paladin class for, but they’re probably just staying silent on that just in case they can’t finish the work on “Paladins for all” in time for the expansion’s launch.
Will the Tuskarr be added as an allied race in 10.2.5 or 10.2.7 tho? None can say.
I kind of expect things like this:
Troll and Draenei heritage armor
More Dracthyr classes
BfA Timewalking
That’s the one thing I’d rule out, given how quickly Ion was to overtly get ahead of those rumours.
What I think is likely:
- Draenei, Troll, and Pandaren getting their Heritage Armor
- Shaman opened to all races
- Paladin opened to all races
What I don’t see likely:
- Druid opened to all races. Even the announced Earthen Allied Race isn’t planned to have it. It’ll likely be done in pairs over the course of the Worldsoul Saga.
- A final confrontation with Iridikron. I think it would be great to bring back small, Onyxia-style raids that can be slotted into a minor patch
Pretty sure they are going to start leading the story towards the next xpac maybe some minor threats but with fyrakk dead starting next week the big bad for the xpac is done.
That is a very solid point. If they were willing to go generic with all the forms, Druid would have definitely been a bullet point.
Playing it safe with your predictions, eh? They said that things were coming up outside of the norm. I think we can be a little more ambitious with our guesses.
If we get both, I think Tuskarr will come first. Drakonid will be the big reveal to tide us over until 11.0.
So what do we think Azerothian Archives will be?