What spec do you enjoy soloing delves on the most?

BM Hunter is obviously the easiest, imo, but not the most “fun.”

I like Ret Pally and Arms Warrior, but the Warrior dies surprisingly fast sometimes. Have to keep a close eye on that.

Shadow Priest was - to my surprise - really great. I’m not a SPriest enjoyer usually. My Priest’s main spec is Holy and I only use Shadow to quest, but man … they did wonders with that spec, and I’ve had a lot of fun in delves with her.

My Mage just hit 80, so she’s coming up next. Kinda dreading that, honestly. >.< She do be squishy.

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Mage isn’t so bad, just watch your pulls and take advantage of your CCs. I prefer Blink over Shimmer imo when doing them.

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Tank specs are my favorite to use. I just don’t die and breeze through.

I haven’t tried it yet, but any healing spec would be the pain. I don’t have faith in brann DPS.

As an Outlaw Rogue, this confuses me. I play Trickster for the 1-hour redirect and Brann tanks everything for me.

I have really enjoyed doing delves as Arcane Mage, Ret Paladin, Blood DK and VW Shadow Priest. And MT Fury Warrior, once I got used to pressing Thunderclap.

Ele Shaman is a pain but doable. Guardian Druid is boring but easy and fast cause stealth.

BM Hunter is braindead. I’m going to try doing delves as MM.

Prot Paladin has been the most fun and rewarding, also allows full control on when Bran drops his food buff.

Prot warrior is boring and easy

Fury warrior and Destruction warlock are fun

I’ve been comfortably doing delves on my BM hunter and my Prot Pally- I think the worst time I had was my dev evoker but it was also undergeared so that could have been the issue

I do most of the delve as Prot Warrior then switch to Arms for the boss since the majority of boss fights are just about avoiding the mechanics.

My Beast Master hunter I love. I hate going through on my Resto Druid. Brann can barely hold aggro and any healing I do pulls the mobs onto me. So I end up just nuking instead and healing myself, but I find that really boring. I’d rather heal Brann and nuke as necessary.

So far I am really liking Unholy DK and Demonology Warlock.

Next I’m bringing in to them is my Shaman, so will see how that goes.

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Pres Evoker (high survivability and decent burst aoe and single target sustain)
Veng/Havoc DH

Holy Priest (no kick)
Mage (though when I did it I was a tad undergeared)

I usually go in as tank spec, dps is a bit faster but tank is just easier

Can’t blame you there.

Try VW Shadow Priest. Channel on the move Void Torrent gives you an illusion of mobility.

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Eh the only priest spec I even enjoy is holy, but not having a kick is just annoying for any spec, mainly because of the one boss that channels high damage and ends with a stun. So stupid to have a mechanic like that in content that is designed to be able to solo. It’s still possible to do but poorly designed.

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I suck at DPS so Boomy isn’t fun for me; Bear is easy peasy

Ret Paladin

The only other character I’ve done any delves on is my BM Hunter and she did okay, but I greatly prefer my Pally.

My Foresaken sense tells me I would really enjoy it on a pally.


Ret paladin
BM hunter
Demo Warlock


Outlaw Rogue