What should the next class color be?

NO I said GRAY is next.


I’ll be glad to see Dark Rangers get a gray class color. :+1:


Tinkers using a big mech suit to tank is such a cool idea that needs to be a thing.

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Honestly I wish they’d re-do DKs to not be red, when I have my nameplates up I sometimes think they’re enemies. >.< If I could set them to Nurgle green I would!

Magenta/red violet would be a viable colour. We’ve got the paler pink for paladins but nothing brighter. Yellow-orange would be another option.

Could do beige as well.

Or compromise: Taupe!



Here is your compromise

Some kind of pink or purple. Or maybe some shade of blue. Definitely not black. I use dark frames while healing (all black with the names in the class colour. I’m colourblind and it makes healing easier).

Necromancer class should be black.

Lengthy downtime confirmed.

How about black but with a white/colored outline?

Rainbow for bard

I think they should do away with class colours. Instead, they should use the spec icon next to the name. Sure it will take some time for people to get used to it but it is so much better.

lavender…of course.