What should I be testing/looking at?

Besides bugs in general. I am one of those average/casual players who bought an epic version for the bonus stuff, and now has access to the beta.

While I understand that this isn’t for fun/early access, I would actually like to contribute or be of help. Even if that means just staying away and not in the way. The thing is, I don’t know if there is specific stuff I should be looking at, or what to do at all, really.

Well, you could go to the leveling servers and give feedback and bug reports about the questing experience. (Most will just talk about bugs but feedback is also helpful. This could be quest location, or just not fully understanding what it is asking you to do.

Mop had the starting zone reworked because of feedback so don’t be afraid to say something if it feels off.

On the other hand, on the server -this goes to 11-you can test the dungeons. The dungeons right now have a lot of bugs. After each boss, there is an area to give feedback. Report anything you find in the dungeons experience.

Report any bugs you can find, and if something feels over-tuned or under-tuned than report that.

You can also test out your talents and hero talents at max level on the server-this goes to 11.

The attack dummies in the capital cities are a good way to see how the classes are working.

ps-don’t be afraid to stop in the middle of dungeons to report things. That is why you are there, and even if you do slow the group down people understand.

I’ve just been playing through as I normally would but paying extra attention things.

Typos in quests/dialog, over/undertuned abilities, skill points, quest rewards, delve rewards, dungeon rewards. How does an area look or feel? Are mobs dropping quest items at a decent rate? How’s the respawn rate? What’s travel feel like? Too much? Too slow? Are you getting appropriate amounts of herbs or ore? Too many nodes, or not enough? Are they spawning inside walls or trees? Are you stuck in an area? Is a quest unclear or is the area not marked correctly? How do professions feel? Are you leveling too slowly? Are you getting correct amounts of rep rewards?

I could go on, but really just play like you would on live but really take a look around and ask, does this feel good? Is this working? Now is the time to address any issues before they make it to live and we have to wait weeks or months for something that doesnt hit right or is broken to get fixed.

1st - do the things you enjoy, plenty of players out there doing everything the game offers.

2nd - This blurb is in each of the Class threads: