What separates a good DH from a bad one?

I’m considering maining a DH come SL but the stigma of the class has always deterred me from playing one seriously. They’re fun to play for sure and the nerfs are honestly more of an incentive for me because they seem weaker but not terrible so I see it as more rewarding.

Anyway, what makes a good DH (in both PvP/PvE respectively) and can a DH who performs well actually stand out from the crowd and be respected as something more beyond the general assumptions of the class?




It’s the same as any class. The player that understands the toon they are playing, that seeks to maximize the strengths and tools available to them, that looks for the best weapons, gear and equipment, that maximizes the gems, stats and enchants, that reads up on fights in pve and opponents in pvp and what to do and when to do it will be your better player. Anyone can mash buttons and do ok. It’s the players that want to excel, and read up on how, that will outperform others in better gear almost every time. And most raids will take a player that does good numbers, understands mechanics and stays alive no matter the toon they’re playing. Unless the raid is already full of good players in that class. Then it’s just a matter of who performs better and is more reliable.

What separates a a good dh from a bad dh is their movement. You can tell which one is overshooting, have to compensate to get back or to target, or not glide drifting around pillar in arena.


PvE wise i can tell you i can see one really easy in Mythic+, a good DH uses Darkness a lot of times to help the group defensives, imprison when needed and know how to dodge with Blade Dance to pretty much become unkillable.

DPS wise you won’t see much difference because the rotation is so simple that anyone can look good numbers wise, but a good DH knows how to use their kit correctly.


This is more of the kind of answer I was looking for, thank you!

I imagine that in this sense, you can prove that you’re a better player by using your utility to benefit your group more, take stress off the healer, etc.

It’s a bummer that you aren’t rewarded with actual numbers but that’s also not always what only matters.

It seems like players in higher levels of content can appreciate DHs a bit more than the average community that’s just getting stomped by them.

Another one i can tell you for example raid wise a good DH throws glaives if you are in like a council or spread style damage fight to give your casters that extra 5% damage.

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