What rogue spec gives rogues mount speed in combat?

I’ve been seeing rogues running around at what seems like mount speed in combat. It doesn’t look like sprint (maybe it is and they’re just popping it because they saw a streamer do it?), it seems tied to their abilities. Is this an outlaw thing? A spec? A pvp talent? Really curious what is causing this and how to use it.

If it’s not Sprint, it might be a Swiftness potion or whatever it’s called. I use them when I carry flags. Increases speed by 50%

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What’s weird is that they are popping them while in melee. I will try to click on one and figure it out next time I see it

I bought something like 5k Star Moss for dirt cheap from some poor sap who forgot a digit…Lightfoot potions for days. Amazing tool for Wpvp and flag running in randoms.

Lightfoot Potion is 150% movement speed and shares a CD with your other battle potions so don’t use in your raid.

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im sub spec and fleetfooted gives me +15% speed, then nightstalker gives +20% speed in stealth or shadowdance, so thats +135%… then theres an azerite talent i have called “lying in wait”: gives +223 speed while within 12 yards of an enemy

thats not even considering sprint…

add all that up and you’re moving pretty fast while in combat

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That is exactly what I’m talking about. I figured it had to be a combo of talents and azerite. Thanks!

i like taking all the speed buffs i can get and playing fast like a crackhead rogue :smiley: always been my style

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