What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

Not true.
Beside undercity and Brill everything is still there.
Silverpine has not been touched at all.
Same with Hillsbrad.

Yet Darkshore was occupied and destroyed, Teldrassil was destroyed which is basically the ENTIRE zone, not just the city.
And Ashenvale was also roflstomped through with Astranaar being destroyed.

And Arathi was an Alliance zone to begin with.(Blizzard even stated that) Horde got Hillsbrad in Cata in exchange.
So no the Horde lost zero zones.

Well we have Tyrande now in a narrative risk of dying without getting her to roflstomp over the entire horde 
 so that`s it so far where we are standing.


The US dissents on the International Court of Criminal Justice (ICC). (At least partially.) It accept the Geneva convention and a number of others and, along with the ICC, considers it as giving a definition of a war crime.

There is a question of enforcement (which doesn’t really help if you are trying to call Therefore a war crime) exists. The biggest criticism of that has been that it is the victors who decide to enforce it. But than, as I mentioned, you are left without a definition of a crime and Theramore is still not a crime.

I sure like how people thing that tyrande and turalyon going evil would be the same as sylvanas, when sylvanas literally had a 15 year build up of being evil.

No it isn’t. Brill’s a pile of rubble. What’s left of Tirisfal glades that the Alliance didn’t trample over and destroy is inconsequential.

Darkshore was hardly destroyed. At worst a town was blighted, but the Cataclysm did more damage than the Horde did. Tthe zone is still very much alive. Same with Ashenvale.

Stop exaggerating.

And Arathi has always been a contested zone until now. Horde had presence there at Hammerfall and later with Newstead. Until recently, Stromgarde has spent the last fifteen years as a split between a syndicate hideout or an ogre toilet. With it officially back in Alliance hands and the Forsaken out of Lordaeron, the Alliance is in perfect position to retake everything south of Quel’Thalas.

We’ll see what comes of that.

It wouldn’t be comparable to Sylvanas. No one but the extreme Sylvanas fanbois and simps are sad to see her out of the Horde. It would be different with Turalyon or Tyrande because it would be so sudden and they’ve both been traditionally good.

I wouldn’t worry though. At most it’ll be a case of them trying, missions to stop them, and at the end they’d be “We were wrong, Peace is the Way!”

Only Horde get to contribute meaningful NPCs to the PvE piñata.


Trisfal Glade is to the Forsaken what Teldrassil was to the Night Elves.
Undercity is the capital in Trisfal Glades and Darnassus the capital in Teldrassil.

Darkshore was pretty badly messed up by cataclysm and the blighting/cutting of trees things in BFA didn’t help.

I would say you need to take your own advice bud.

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Darkshore is basically deforested!! Stop with that nonsense and compare the zones before.

There is even a huge scar going through teh zone.

There is literelaly NOTHING destroyed beside brill and undercity. NOTHING else. Even your NPCs are still there!!

Contested doesn’t mean the zone doesn’t belong to someone. Blizzard.said.so.!!
No matter what you whish in your own head, this is literally canon.

It’s more like ‘What reparations certain members of the Alliance wish they could get, but are currently in no position to demand’.

Seriously, did we forget the part of BFA where the Alliance needed the help of Saurfang’s ramshackle rebellion to even THINK of assaulting the bulk of Sylvanas’ still-loyal forces?

The Horde’s currently weakened, sure. But so is the Alliance. There is no ‘position of strength’ here. Part of the Alliance’s inner conflict at the moment is that it’s spearheaded by Leader(s) who refuse to deal with the Horde more harshly.

There’ll be no reparations, just whatever loose terms are agreed with the armistice, and it’ll be surprising if we get anything more.


You make it sound like the entire zone was stripped to its last tree. It wasn’t. I’m flying over it now on my Alliance Hunter and there’s still a good amount of forest left. The trees that were cleared is sad, yes, but that doesn’t make Darkshore “destroyed”.

There’s a big giant scar through the zone of burnt ground from the shore to the gates of Lordaeron incase you haven’t noticed. Hardly “NOTHING” Nice caps btw.

Horde presence in the area has been brought to a bare minimum and it’s free for Alliance taking any time Turalyon decides to get ambitious, which he’s been recently hinting at.

“Belonging” is not the same as having. Alliance didn’t HAVE exclusive control of Arathi since the start of WoW till now.

With Anduin missing in the Maw, Turalyon has taken leadership of the Alliance in his stead. He expresses his happiness to be back in control of Stromgarde and wouldn’t mind seeing more Alliance territory reclaimed.

There’s little doubt where exactly he means to go if he decides to move, and they have plenty troops remaining to move in with the Forsaken having such a small presence remaining.


Its also hard to ignore that many of the Alliance races don’t have much of a dog in continuing the fight anymore. They have no reason to want to continue sacrificing their own people for the grudges of other Racial Leaders; even if they are allies 
 and even friends. The war essentially ended with the Horde being in enough of a position of strength to simply have enough Alliance leaders consider that trying to wipe them out entirely wouldn’t be worth the collateral. So 
 its time for an Armistice. Sorry NEs.

EDIT: That being said, I do agree with those above about all the Peaceniks being abducted into the Shadowlands. Turalyon at the helm of the Alliance is dangerous.


I’m fine with this sort of thing, so long as it leads to some interesting plot lines for the halves of the Alliance that don’t normally get all that much attention. Some introspection’s seriously needed for the faction as a whole, and if that means them being the aggressors for once, then so be it. However, declawing the Horde through reparations just isn’t feasible. In the slightest.

But yeah, Turalyon at the head of the Alliance is pretty intimidating.

What reason do the Draenei, under Velen’s leadership that is, have to continue to fight the Horde? Or the Gnomes, other than their commitment to the Alliance? Or even the Dwarves? When was the last time the Horde threatened Khaz Modan, other than their efforts to support the Dragonmaw Clan in the Twilight Highlands?

The Night Elves are unfortunately on their own other than their Gilnean allies. The situation in Shadows Rising where Tyrande and Malfurion were sooner willing to speak directly to the Horde than to Anduin and Jaina speaks volumes about the situation.

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Eh, to me it sounded like that part of the book only existed to give Thrall a verbal beatdown as a powerplay, not because anyone actually respected the horde at that point.


Yet, it all lines up with the nature of her writing and the time she joined the writing staff.

The thing people who spout this line forget that blizzard didn’t bring on an award winning book writer into the game writing staff to be a quest writer. She is probably the primary writer for wow’s main story. Her work would need to be approved by the higher ups but they wouldn’t have brought her on if they didn’t like her way of writing.

The primary issue lies in the fact that her writing is not suited to a game setting with two factions. She favors the Alliance too much and drives her favorite characters to the forefront of the story. She isn’t a terrible writer however she has a one track mind and cannot write alongside other writers. She constantly has rewritten character motivations and is too focused on making sure the game has a “positive message” that is forced on the players.

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I’m not trying to imply that they respect the Horde at all. Tyrande’s speech during that section implied quite the opposite. But the fact that Anduin and Jaina were, iirc, implied or stated to have not heard from Tyrande or Malf at all says that there’s quite a bit of resentment there.

What reason did the Horde have to follow along with Garrosh 2.0?
Not much if anyone bothered to think about it.

So why do you insert logic into something that is devoid of it?
Alliance/Horde will declare war or sign peace agreements when it suits them logical reasoning or decision making has little to do with it.

Dude, Golden has her preferences, but she was not really in a position in time to effect the overall meta-narrative of BfA in any tangible way. She is also not Danuser, and every major story she wants to do needs to at least pass by him as the Lead Narrative Designer. While her dialogue style does show up in quite a few of the later cinematics, I would say his fingerprints are far more prevalent than hers in BfA. A disjointed mess that is very plot convenient for his girl Sylvie.

Lets just wait and see how she does in SLs, something I’m a little more convinced she may have a bit more authority over.

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She had full authority in BTS, How did that turn out?

You don’t like how she writes Anduin? That’s up to you. I might even agree with you (though I thought her treatment of the Horde in Rise of the Horde was good). Don’t like the villain bat in BfA? That isn’t due to her.

Melodramatic, but not the worst WoW story I’ve read by a longshot.

I would also guess that she had some story beats that she was required to hit to properly serve as a prologue book into a much bigger story she had little control over. I do however take issue with Calia 
 so there is that big tumor. She seems like another one of Golden’s Golden-Children, and its problematic to say the least. Though I do get this feeling that that type of character was going to exist regardless, its just she had enough sway to make it Calia.


I’m gonna have to hard agree here. The type of Villain batting the Horde recieved in BfA was nowhere near the tone I expect from Golden. If anything, even if she writes Horde characters a little to “Human of SW” for my taste, a part of that comes from her tendency to try to really humanize Horde races. She goes overboard, but no way in hell she’d be responsible for what we saw in BfA. At the bare minimum, she does seem to respect the setting, races, and characters of WoW 
 its just her visions of what those should look like can have big issues.

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Yes, I agree most of the actions that the Horde took this expansions specifically Sylvanas I do believe were Daunsers work.

However the Fact that the Alliances, specifically Anduins and Jaina’s hands stay relatively clean through the entire expac and they are the driving force for peace is definitely a symptom of her writing.

It seems like every character she writes as one of her Golden’s golden children players end up hating. She focuses far too much on making them all have a similar vein of thinking thus they just end up copies of each other. Plus her focus of a positive message and forcing it on players seems out of place in a universe called Warcraft.