What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

Which is basicall what I wrote.
But it was woven into biliteral agreements, not as part of the 2+4 treaty.

You can call it whatever you want but a goat remains a goat.
So … fine then we don’t demand reparations from teh Horde but gifts for forgiveness and attonmenet, to rebuild destroyed lands and to not invade them and kill them all.

Basically still reparations.

Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war. Japan will promptly enter into negotiations with Allied Powers". War reparations made pursuant to the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan (1951) include: reparations amounting to US$550 million (198 billion yen 1956)

Basically the only real differenace from ww1 reps and ww2 reps, is the allies realized that setting realistic goals and timelines for your reparations is important

You can call it whatever you want but a goat remains a goat.
So … fine then we don’t demand reparations from teh Horde but gifts for forgiveness and attonmenet, to rebuild destroyed lands and to not invade them and kill them all.

Basically still reparations.

To compare it to the Horde:
The Horde would need to:

  • give up EVERY occupied zone, and Azshara.
  • give NEs full access to the hordes mining and iron production
  • pay the direct victims of the war livelong support
  • has to agree to never eve rhas a military force above certain small numbers for self defense and no bigger weaponry.
  • has accept a form of gouvernemnt the NEs imposes on them and has to be approved by NEs
  • has to let the NEs hold trials against even the smallest guardsman who was involved in any of the Hordes atrocities.

That is what happened to Germany after WW2.
Sounds harsh, doesn’t it?

Well Germany is now the biggest economy in Europe, a global player, defacto leader of Europe and highly renowend in the world and one of the most peacefull countries.
So the argument of harsh demands against them would lead to more war and more hatred simply doesn’t apply to reality.

Lol way to go ww1 on them lol you are so wrong

You literally messed the point of fair reparations

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Read it up. Your history knowledge is lacking.
THIS has been applied to germany after WW2.
btw: lol.

yeah paying life long support on a race that lives for thousands of years is so fair, nah you went full ww1 proving the belf mans point


Read. it. again.
Germany has agreed to pay lifelong support to EVERY victim of the holocaust.

Sadly, those kind of reparations would probably cause the in-game Horde to riot and start another war.

Generally speaking, I don’t think most of the Horde (in game) really feels like they should give some form of payment to the kaldorei.

The Horde (in game) seemed fine with starting another war with a crappy excuse that the Alliance will attack one day.

And most of the Horde was fine going along with Sylvanas (even after the genocide) until she left them.

Doesn’t exactly give red flags that we will get support in said people to help the kaldorei significantly.

Even if its less then what the Allies got out of Germany, I hope the Horde can give some type of payment to the Kaldorei for the atrocities the Horde did.

Personally? I don’t care the slightest.

I compared it to WW2 aftermath as the whole 4th war story is bascially a WW2 story with Sylhitler and even a holocaust type atrocity.
Then I comapred it to how Germany has been handled after ww2 and what it led to.

Harsh repercussions and occupation, reparation but strangely germany didn’t start another war after that.
Because these were coupled with them being included into politics and against the sovjets instead of being isolated as it has been done after ww1.

Reparations and repercussiosn don’t start wars, the question how you apply them and how you act towards the occupied country might.

In terms of the Horde:
I don’t care how the players of that faction feel. They didn’t care how I feel after Teldrassil either when a huge majority DEMANDED to be bale to even side with sylvanas after that and this the loyalist questlien was implemended.

I personally find reparations boring and not even soothing.
I want the horde as a faction to suffer for it.
At all we’re Kaldorei and no modern politicians. We’re savage elves and no humanists.
So vengence is the way to go.

Never going to happen.

Blizzard doesn’t model Azeroth after RL history and how reparations are made in post war scenarios. If they did then heavy sanctions would have been slapped onto the Horde after Garrosh to the point they would have been unable to make a garrison in WoD or even have a presence on Broken Shore in the first place.

Night Elves will be left with a choice of either accepting whatever justice they can get against Sylvanas or they can launch a revenge campaign on the Horde that, because of game balance between the factions, would be doomed to fail just like Sylvanas and Garrosh’s wars failed.

They would then labeled as villains in the official lore. Alliance players, nelfs included, might end up siding with Anduin to work alongside the Horde to stop them.

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you don’t want to see that happen.


Lol wow isnt real life what is fair in real life doesnt equate to fairness in wow lol and like over half of what you mention is only stuff the USSR did and well, they can go jump off a tree, the nelves should never be anything like the USSR

This is very wrong, the devs said mutiple times that they take inspiration from ww2

Just not the aftermath part where they essentially grind the losing side’s economy and military down to its base parts.

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Thats up to the writer to say if the horde economy even suffers under reparations lol

Cause you know ww1 reps arent the only aftermath, ww2 reps dont seem to effect germany at all since its one of the richest countries today

Not sure actually.

I don’t think blizz will ever go a reparations route as it would be boring and no compelling story to tell.

However before Teldrassil noone would have EVER thought Blizz would ever have one faction destroy a capital of another faction an dgenociding a race.
That were things npcs do, not player factions.

Now … Blizz did it. So nothing seems to be impossible anymore. Common logic and rules don’t apply anymore.

It can be either way with different probabilities of course, but:
Turalyon and Tyrande could also hin at the Alliance full scale waging war at the horde now after Anduin is gone.

So maybe it will be like it has been since 10 years and the Alliance has to swollow it. Or we will see even more war now, maybe that light crusade. Who knows.

After Teldrassil nothing seems impossible.

But it will be dramatic, over the top and out of every logic. That is sure. So no. We won’t see reparations and diplomatic finesse.

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Yeah, but then Gallywix tried to kill 'em both.
They’re cute in the Mechagon questline. There should be more of that.

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They balanced it out by taking capitol cities from both factions. I don’t think as many civilians died in UC as they did in Teldrassil, but look at how many iconic NPCs the Horde lost during BfA. Saurfang dead, Sylvanas an enemy to both factions now. Nathanos and Gallywix too if you want to count them, but they didn’t have the large fan followings as the other two did. Alliance didn’t lose any of their important figures in BfA.

What you’re proposing is complete domination of Alliance over Horde and that just won’t fly and more than the reverse ever would. You can ask for it if you want. Similar wants and desires have been voiced on this forum for years so you’re not exactly alone. They’re still getting ignored though.

Turalyon and Turanda can try to wage a new war if they want but it’s not going to end the way you think it would.

Again, do you really want to be forced to fight against them?


Not all countries subscribe to those conventions. I believe that the United States is one of the dissenters. The United States also does not consider itself bound by any international court.

Just as in this case, who would enforce such conventions?

Seriously you can’t even remotely compare WoT Ashenvale, Darkshore + Teldrassil with Undercity. Especially since the Alliance didn’t even get to blow it up themselves.
I don’t value one character above for exmaple the entire NE race. Sorry doesn’t work for me. I don’t care for single characters. As NE we’re very used to lose characters every expansion since Cata.

Which basically was WoT. Complete and utter dominance of the Horde over the Alliance, even at Lorderon.
Yes I want that aswell.

I have said that somewhere else.
Yes. If I get to anhilate humiliate and completely roflstomp over the horde several times , genocide one of their races to near extinction and then get absolutely no consequence beside one character went rogue … absolutely.

Would have ANY day rather had Tyrande, Malfurion, Anduin, Turalyon, Jaina whoever else killed after they wrecked havoc against you instead of what I had to endure in BFA.

Yes. Any time.

So would I part from Tyrande if she gets to genocide 90% of the Orcs and builds a pretty new crater within Durotar after occupying the Barrans? Yes. Absolutely.

Sure I can. Both factions lost a city. Both factions lost a racial starting area. Any territory the Alliance lost outside of Teldrassil has been reclaimed as well, which can’t be said about territory Horde lost. Alliance now have complete control of Arathi for instance.

Since there were Horde players who were having a ball in War of Thorns event, I suppose that’s fair.

But let’s not kid ourselves. After it was over, people would be on the forums throwing a fit when said “rogue” character got villain batted to where both factions were gunning for them, arguing that this character should be treated as a hero and Alliance shouldn’t have to fight against them.

Especially if it’s Tyrande or Turalyon.