What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

Yeah, like the Night Warrior. I’ve beaten her up, wasn’t a problem.


Presses Button for doubt.

“This is our eldest child, Gnewtles.”
“Use this microscope.”


I don´t beliefe in Reparations, it will only increase the suffering and not lowed it down. War is terrible, yeah, its a crime in itself, but reparations make it even worse.

So atleast, like i said before, Reparations is a bad way to deal with this stuff. It will grow a hatefull Generation.

Tyrande said in Shadows Rising, that the Horde has grew a hatefull generation of NEs who will come for them because no justice has been served.

So what now?

And what would reparations change?

If you think that reparations are as bad as genocide, nothing but shifting it from one side to the other.
If you thinkt reparations are less bad than genocide, at least soothen to severity of the hatefull generation. Because it is a bit harder to be hatefull if you are responsible for it.

WW1 reparation was failing because it was unjust to give germany the sole responsibility for the war.
In WoW however things are abit different. The Horde is soley responsible for it.

So I don’t sign your claim actually.
But I also don’t like the idea of reparations, it is lame.

I want more than that.

Money will not bring back the dead, and night elves in particular care little or nothing about money. So if you give a lot of money to a people who care little or nothing about money and then say, “For your dead”, that is just as much a slap in the face.

Really, reparations have never worked in human history, never!

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Yes that is why I am personally against it in this case.
But I thought reparations are here more meant in a broader way than just money.

Lol how wrong you are

and elves do use money lol like

explain me, when reparations make things better?


Doesn’t have to be money, but other kinds of resources, to help rebuild the kaldorei homeland.

Also reparations worked in the aftermath of WW2. So its not a true statement that reparations have never worked in human history.


They have always made things worse or caused new wars - some much worse - wars that have destroyed everything. So no, I’m sorry, they did NOT work. You really have no idea, do you? They have always only caused more damage.

The German-French War
The First World War.
The second worldwar.

There were no direct reparations after the Second World War. This was due to the fact that the victorious powers agreed not to talk about it until a peace treaty had been signed and thus postponed the talks. Subsequently, in 1990, Chancellor Kohl did not conclude a classic peace treaty, but the 2+4 Treaty, in which the word “peace treaty” does not even appear, in order to avoid the tiresome topic of reparations payments.


Thats where you are wrong my dude `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_reparations

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Golden doesn’t have the kind of pull. You are letting those really responsible for the mess that is BfA, the story team, off the hook.

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This is true and not.
While there were no formal reperations, Germany still did and still does pay reperation to states like Israel, hass to Poland and so on.
Also Germanys ackknowladgement of the Oder-Neiße line can be seen as payment in reparation as it basically handed over huge teritorial zones to Poland.
Also germany had to agree to give up its souverenity over the Ruhr region and build teh montane union with france in order that this region could no lonegr be used for building for war.
Funnyly that this union later led to the creation of the EU.

So it is not true that no reparations have been payed, it was however woven into a more constructive engagement of rebuilding Europe and Germany economy wise and not like WW1 where reparations sole purpose and intentions were to cirpple germany and hold it down from recovering.

Reparations after WW2 were actually securing forgiveness and diplomatic successes with countries who had been done wrong by germany.
These reparations are one reason Germany is now seen as a friend and partner by countries that were occupied before.

Thats not true, either it was country by country, but they did pay formal reperations to countries like greece and poland

giving up land is payment
if the horde gave up land to the alliance that would be a reperation

Material goods and industrial goods were handed over, yes, but as I said, there were no direct reparations as there had been during the First World War.

This land was given up in 1990, but it was former still offical land of germany.

But not as reparation…

According to the [Treaty of Peace with Italy, 1947]), Italy agreed to pay reparations of about US$125 million to Yugoslavia, US$105 million to Greece, US$100 million to the Soviet Union, US$25 million to Ethiopia, and US$5 million to Albania.