What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

Thank you for confirming I’m not succumbing to madness.

Reading anything on these forums involving Teldrassil seems to bring out the Night Elf female posters, and it get’s to a point where they start to merge into the one person for me. I could scan through multiple posts all reading very similar thinking it’s one poster only to scroll upwards and see it’s three or four.

Again, thank you for breaking that.



Of course she’s okay with it, this is already what she is to the story forums.

I hope not. If there’s no aggressive Alliance posters such as her then Horde posters will go back to making similar topics except they aren’t denounced like she is. We need posters like her as a bulwark to prevent being bullied by Horde posters. It’s like The Boys. Homelander is obviously a villain but we need Butcher to fight him even though he’s villainous too but has less support.


Sure I also think they have to do a cata2.0 style expansion at some point. But I also think the Blizzard that would do something like that to take a basic care an maintence of their game is long gone.

They just add stuff that is completely necessary to milk further and leave the rest to rot.
I mean they coulnd’t even asked to remove the Kaldorei refugees from stormwind after they clearly left for Hyjal now.
Ashenvale is still in that weired WoT-Mode but without quests, just emptyness.

Darkshore and Arathi will remain in an eternal Warfront Limbo but they coulnd’t be asked to update the normal leveling zone awell while they were on it.

I don’t know but I have no high hopes for a real update.
They seem to just add layer over layer over layer on existing zones that they for som reason just need. Like Uldum and Vale.

So yes I’d like a full scale revamp after SLs that reflect the current situation. It would also open up the ability to rebuild NE and Forsaken caitals AND even add back Gilneas (Which is also since cata in a constant limbo).
While they are on it they could also move Quel Thralas and the Mythisels onto the main world server etc…

But that is not our Blizzard anymore.
Instead of revamping the starting zones of the races they just added one extremely boring island starting zone for every race.
This is the amount of lazyness we can expect for now.

And that is the sole difference between Alliance and Horde playerbase.
Horde playerbase is toxic as heck.
Said that before.
I have not seen Morheim apologizing for Alliance players making Horde players feel unwelcome at Blizzcon, can’t say that in terms of Horde players though.
Also we have yet not found a b-tier metal band lead singer calling out to murder horde players irl.

So what does it make me, the hero you need but not deserve?
That reminds me I have to watch The Boys at some point only hearing great things about it.

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It makes you a necessary evil

So I’m basically the Night Warrior now. Works for me.

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Ashenvale & Stonetalon Mountains would be a good start

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Just from a story perspective, it would be neat to see the NE’s isolationist tendencies kind of screw them a little bit. Like, Tyrande has to accept a subpar result (Warsong logging camp in Ashenvale still existing for one example) due to the Alliance being unable to negotiate as a united front and the NE’s on their own not being enough to deter the larger armies of the Horde (if they could handle them on their own, they would have done that instead of joining an alliance). There’s some grumbling in Hyjal, especially as after years of fighting, many of the younger NE’s have greater loyalty to the Alliance than Tyrande.

Personally, I don’t see this treaty lasting long enough for reparations to even be on the table. The Alliance will be the aggressors in the next conflict and all talks of peace will be off when the issues in the Shadowlands are resolved.

Considering who’s offworld in the land of the dead & the fact that its already been teased there might be a time-differential between the Shadowlands & Azeroth … this is very likely. All the Peaceniks were kidnapped; Calia follows Bolvar there. Ignoring her promise to get to know her people and waiting for the Arthas redemption story to kick in; and one of the most dangerous leaders I can think of the Alliance is currently helming the ship.


Something the alliance absolutely doesn’t need to repair are the tear ducts… god damn dude, the amount of alliance crying in these forums…


A bit late to the discussion (and wow 500 posts in 5 days, that is a feat), but why would reparations even be a thing? WoW doesn’t work on a solid economic background, money and resources exist as the plot demands. Reparations could be treated as literal filler information wherein nothing tangible happens for anyone.

Even lands aren’t important enough to be shown in game considering all the areas of the Old World are stuck at the mid-point of Cata’s overall story.


I think reperations are meant in a more broader spectrum here.
Like having the horde “pay” for it somehow. Like work force or having to give up on Azshara again or whatever else.
Not hard coin or so.

Lol yeah lets just kill superpower characters totally lets take lives and powers that dont mean anything other than crush your ego comparing that to a bio weapons, just laughable

you are the one who is fixated on something that doesnt exist, “faction power” what does that even mean? Its never been a issue in the story, does it really upset you that much that some alliance nerd says the alliance is stronger cause ect ect, that really bug you so much that you want to keep a terrorist weapon? You know instead of being sane and realizing like everyone else, that it doesnt matter how power jaina is, cause if the horde is gonna win they are gonna win, and theres nothing we can do to stop blizzard


Personal reparations for me:

  • Having a giant, ettin, etc. punt all Horde races above 4 feet in height. Lethality optional.
  • A Gnome version of the G.M.O.D. (i.e. a lookalike of Mekkatorque’s robot)
  • All Horde Pandaren being made Alliance.
  • Some of those orange cream chocolates from the assorted chocolate boxes. No one likes those ones anyway, I’ll take 'em.
  • Gnome Paladins. You got troll paladins of all things, so why not? (I don’t want to play one, but I know gnomes who do.)
  • Gnome + Goblin interracial marriage.

…I feel like if you have nature magic that can deal with a magic plague. You probably have nature magic that can deal with mundane salt.

Well, it’s mutual. Luckily for us, you are.

You had it. At Undercity. It’s not our fault you botched it.

I’m looking forward to it!

I’d be surprised if Blizzard actually had the balls to put the Alliance on the Light Crusade’s side though.

You might even say they’re being…selfish and self-centered.

Only, ya know, without any power.


Have you not read Before the Storm

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What if this ends up like the opposite of a liger and neither of them passes on the gene that limits their minimum size?

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This would be one of the best karmic backlashes I could think of, considering all the Gnomes that have been punted. That said, I think it’s best that lethality not be considered. I mean, Gnomes are quite justifiably angry, but most of the time punts where never lethal. Don’t push karma past what was done to you, or you know karma will slap you back again…

Nothing, the reward for peace is the Kal’dorei not going extinct. Unlike the Kal’dorei the Horde is not an empire to stay stagnant to degenerate for thousands of years.