What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

What? Meeting is here meant as a metaphor in terms of getting a compromise, I thought. And no. I have no interest in that.
I want a story fo you that is equally cool than the one I got. I just want to share this awesome joy with you, not sure why you hesitate so much.

I mean … it wasn’t such a big deal anway, was it? This is at least what several horde players seem to say.

Be careful what you ask for, friendo.
If you’re okay with having your faves become villains and shamed by the story and the playerbase for two years then sure.

I know you think that pretty much anything done to the Horde will be justified initially, but it’s not like it’s impossible for the story to just keep pushing until you just can’t support the actions of your own character anymore and you kinda feel bad playing your fav race.

P.S. Tho I doubt that will ever happen, since Blizzard writers seem to be physically allergic to making Alliance characters do bad.


The rp forum is that way.


Man Liira, you make it truly impossible to find any semblance of middle ground with you. You’re so lost within your racial fantasy that you’ve gone way beyond just thinking the Horde Faction or its Races are evil, but genuinely seem to think that the Horde players are too. Thus, you want them punished … and really you just want the entire bill for BfA to be shackled on to the Horde playerbases’ shoulders. Though, I suspect even that wouldn’t be enough.

So, in response, I’m going to say probably the most callous thing I have ever said on this sub. Since you truly seem to be operating off the idea of “If the Horde players didn’t want to be villain batted, they shouldn’t have picked Horde. Its their fault they picked the “evil” faction. They deserve to be punished.” … “If you didn’t want to be BBQ’d you shouldn’t have picked the NEs. It’s your fault you picked such a combustible race. You deserved your punishment”.


Well since now we only got shamed and humiliated without being villians and do cool villian stuff. So would definately be an improvement I’d say.

If THAT ever happens, Ill gladly accept the villian bat and the joint horde/alliance raid to take the character down. Since that means I would have liek 3 or 4 expansions of “fistpumping” awesomeness before.

And then I can continue for like 8 years to post how character xy did nuffing wrong.

The impression I get from this discussion is that the Light Vult expansion is going to go down extremely well among many people.


A hearty hand shake and a crisp $10 dollar bill.

Seriously if anything you’re getting some throwaway dialogue about how some naturey Horde helped regrow some trees or something.

Even if they said the Horde was leaving Ashenvale I doubt that’d be reflected in game in any capacity. Far as I’m concerned it’s still contested seeing as the Nelves must’ve retaken Astranaar at some point.

And I’m just sort of presuming Arathi and Darkshore are going to be stuck in obsolete content limbo for at least the length of SL but probably until Blizz has a reason to update them.

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Yes, but I’m explaining why your use of pronouns was bad.

If I say ‘John and Mark are coming over later, he really likes the yard’. This is bad because we don’t know if ‘he’ is referring to John or Mark.
So when you say ‘I don’t want to meet you guys’, it is contextually towards Horde players. When you add ‘I want you to suffer’, all context points to Horde players.

You’d be better served saying ‘I don’t want to meet you guys. I just want the Horde faction to suffer’. In the same way ‘John and Mark are coming over later, John said he likes the yard’ clears up any uncertainty in the language.

Well everyone has different opinions on what is cool. But obviously you only care about your own opinion on it.


Then thank you for the correction. Don’t mean it sarcasticly.

Yes I lost the ability to care for horde players opinion on this topic. Completely.
I think they have had their share, now I deserve mine and I won’t compromise here.
(Though sure in a hypothetical situation where either one of us would have any influence at all…)

I am pretty sure, yes that is going to happen.
Still don’t have to like it. And still could argue otherwise. That this kind of stuff is not what, at least I want. (Can’t talk for anyone else of course)

Yeah, idk, I’d rather be a NE stan, I already said that. Because in my eyes NE stans didn’t even lose anything and only gained a nice underdog status and everyone’s sympathy. And also a free ticket to demand blood. Which I find pretty attractive in a story.

I think your opinion on what is cool and enjoyable just differs from… quite a lot of other players.

Several times now you have discribed how you want Horde characters to be these ruthless noble warriors that you love to fight, dispite everything. Like… this is what 99% of Horde players want, I promise you. So stepping away from that fantasy into full on villain territory YET AGAIN is anti-awesomness.


Well as an Alliance player, I also don’t care for it. But that’s not really considered either.

Of course.

The war crimes novel was based on the Geneva convention.

The problem is, we all know we won’t GET the demanded blood at al. We will get “good-guy forgiving batted”.
If ANYTHING positive would come out of all of this. Ferocious NEs who are done with playing along and start kicking some hordes buts … FINE BY ME!

But we know blizzrd. We know they are unable to do so. We know exactly that what happens is what Benedikt said. Blizz just forget about all of that and have NEs being spat on for no reason and no development and no consequences for anyone but NEs. And then they have to be the idiots again who present their other cheek aswell.

Yes in my perfect world where I could write the story, I woudl write them this way.
BUT with a big B: Now is not the time to do so. Now is the time for vengence and let them (the horde) suffer.
After that we can gather at the tables again and write you the nobles savages I liked to fight, liked to respect. But for now there is no respect, no liking left nothing to build on. You have to seed that again and you have to water these seeds with your blood.

But did people seriously find that cool?
Was I the only person that cringed at Tyrande going all Ace Attorney? I can’t be the only one.

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Blizzard probably, and funny enough their moral about not killing someone who can be redeemed gets thrown out the window by the next expansion.

Well just say that whoever you want to kill cannot be redeemed and it’s ez

How is there middle ground with you when you want the horde to keep their wmds

Can’t want the horde to be good and keep all the things that make them evil


I’m glad you will forever be disappointed and unhappy with the story. Maybe it will drive you to quit the forum again.


If you’re talking Blight, OK … since you’re so fixated on how horrible a gas is compared to say … freezing or burning someone to death, here’s a deal for you.

The Alliance players agree to get rid of or depower all of their living WMDs you call characters, and you got it. We’ll get rid of the Blight. Or, I suppose we can compromise and give the Horde a roster comparable to the Alliance’s half-a-dozen one-man-army demigods; that truly are just WMDs in a more acceptable package. Hell, they aren’t even subtle about Alleria being literally a living doomsday weapon for the Sin’dorei. If she’s even around the Sunwell long enough she damns their entire civilization to mana-starvation again. Or worse … void corruption.


It’ll depend pretty heavily on what happens after SL. I do think Azeroth’s in pretty dire need of an update and it remains bewildering to me they chose Arathi and Darkshore to advance when those two regions were the least in need of it.

Seriously a lot of areas have huge plot threads from Cata just twisting in the wind that make the areas weird to visit. Like the Worgen War in Silverpine being fought by soldiers marching in from two now abandoned kingdoms. Those two regions on the otherhand didn’t really have any big plot point I’m aware of that makes simply walking around it feel like a time warp nightmare.

Ashenvale is already weird as Splintertree is under perpetual Kaldorei siege unless you do the frankly pretty dull questline. Which has that bad imp meteor quest and really how do you make raining hellfire on an enemy army feel like a chore?