What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

Pretty much they were doing it. Blighting the land is one form of it, isn’t it?

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Apparently Blight is as easy to remove as a strong gust of wind and a wave of Trees from Malf, so not really. Salt, when watered into the ground, essentially kills most forms of plants and bacteria that don’t have a higher salt concentration in them than the surrounding soil. As a result, the salt in the soil draws water out of the plants. Essentially, it prevents them from absorbing water and kills them by dehydration. This effect can last years or even decades, and is unlikely to be something Druids can just blow away or even “plant through” like Blight.

EDIT: Also, Blight is at the end of the day a bacteria juiced up on necromantic magic. So I suppose it is theoretical that life-domain users would be particularly effective at combating it, like the Red Dragonflight were in WotLK.

Regardless, the Forsaken in Darkshore really were just using the Blight as a means to stave off the NEs using the natural environment against them as a weapon. With how the NEs fight, both in terms of their extreme friendly terrain advantage and their druidism, the only real way to theoretically combat them effectively is to target the terrain itself.


Don’t think you can compare rl biology anc hemistry now with how blight works.
Maybe druids know how to change salted lands easyly.

What we can say however blighting the land has no purpose other than making it inhabitatable.

So yes it is simply that.


Or, as stated above, a means to combat the NEs. In fact, with how brutally Sentinels and Druids truly use that home-field advantage, destroying the natural terrain is just about the only effective method of fighting them. Those Forests may be sacred to the Kaldorei, but when you’re getting harpooned through the chest by treeroots … its time for some weedwacking and a parking lot.


Don’t buy that.

  1. They blighted evern other lands.
  2. They were sure they were victorious, NEs weren’t back since 8.1 and completely surprised them.
  3. There are even voicelines implying it.

No it is not to combat someone, they do it just to “salt the land”.

According to the mission tables the NEs have been hounding the Horde in the captured Kaldorei territories for the entire War. They were always harrassing them, even before the Night Warrior. Even if they didn’t have the strength to outright dislodge them. So of course they Horde in the area are going to take steps to deal with that issue, including making sure that the remaining Ancients in the area aren’t just allowed to wander around smashing things. At the very least.

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“Salting the Earth” wasn’t done literally. It was symbolic, since you would need insane amounts of salt even by today’s standards to actually stop plants from growing. A more realistic amount would just be washed away with rain pretty quickly.


I mean yeah, especially since even in the myth of Rome doing it to Carthage it would have been absurdly expensive. Salt was a truly valuable resource. Regardless, if what the Horde in Darkshore was doing was “Salting the Earth” … I’d think they’d bring in some bigger guns then a scattering of handheld blight sprayers.

All BfA accomplished is make The Alliance feel hollow after a pyrrhic victory and make The Horde feel pathetic and shamed.

Reparations are not going to fix that.

Alliance players should take some solace though and understand that they’ll still be the stars in future world ending stories while The Horde takes a backseat as their backup.


If we’re lucky. Outside of Surumar you could have written the entire Horde out of Legion and wouldn’t have had to change a thing. Though, frankly, I expect more the “WoD” sort of treatment in SLs here.


Nope. Not going to accept it. Most Alliance players won’t.
Only vengence for Teldrassil is suitable.

And this is why Horde posters aren’t willing to meet you halfway, even though most of us think the Night Elves deserved better.


Only vengeance huh? How about tricking the Horde into a big gathering of importance, a gathering so big that it has to be held in the Barrens as Orgrimmar would be too small. Then drop the mother of all mana bombs on top of them. BOOM! That way vengeance is complete and no survivors to contend with.

All Horde players will obviously get free faction changes to Alliance and the game then becomes strictly PvE.

Would that be good enough? Night Elves would get to claim all of Kalimdor!

I don’t want to meet you guys. I want you to suffer.

I’s not like I think that any repercussion a horde player woudl aggree with would be remotely suitable or even comparable to what you have done.
It has to HURT you. Then we have a solution that is remotely compareable.

A punishment you chose youself is hardly one.

Mhm nope.
Only vengence in a similar scale.

Like we destroy the sunwell and let 90% of the bloodelves wither away or so. Just something that hurts 40% of your factions playerbase. While we do so we portrait your whole faction a incompetent as possible and humiliate them with every quest that is involved.

Oh and we do so by just … dont know throw a stinky sock or so into the well because appearently that is how stuff is handles in a most unlogical way.

Players should not be punished in the story of a video game. It is antithetical to the point of a video game.


Well Blizzard would not be able to punish you by handing out electro shocks through your keyboard I guess.
So we are talking about punishing the faction in the game, right?

Except your language is pretty unclear.

You use ‘you’ frequently when referring to the Horde players and the recipient of punishment. Sounds like you want Horde players to not enjoy the story, hence ‘punishing you’.


As much as it pains me to admit it, I’m not a Blood Elf IRL and you’re not going to make me suffer because I have this magical ability to play another game if this one stops being worth my time.

You should try it out yourself before you start smearing purple makeup all over yourself and screaming about the Horde in the middle of the street at night.


Wether or not you enjoy the story is not mine to decide, that is personally on you.

I want a story that is equally “cool” than the grat and awsome story we got with Teldrassil. Maybe you like that kind of stories? I don’t know…

My intention with having a story which occupies orgrimmar and have wardens do nurnburg trials on your faction is of course meant as a cool story you like. I mean you could?

Or blowing up the sunwell with a stinky sock could be a cool story for all the BE players? Don’t know what they couldn’t enjoy about it. You made me puzzled now…

And with “you” as a plural you, is of course your faction meant. What you do in RL i snot my concern.

Well enjoyment of a story isn’t really a decision, it either is or isn’t enjoyable. I cannot force myself to enjoy Peace and War.

Well you said ‘I don’t want to meet you guys’ (in reference to meeting ‘Horde posters’ halfway) and right after ‘I want you to suffer’. You should understand the issue of unclear pronouns here.