What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

The same people pass through human lands first and never did such things, cause the humans talked to them

No, in fact it’s because the High Elves convinced them the trolls would come for them next.

Why should they “try to make peace” with the people who invaded their lands? Twice?

And humans were butchering trolls in turn.


That didnt happen dear, the humans didnt join the troll wars, till the high elves where losing

What Velratha said literally happened.

The Amani threat was far greater than Thoradin or his advisors could have ever imagined. The high elves argued that without assistance from Arathor, the trolls would soon destroy Quel’thalas. After that, the Amani would launch the full might of their blood-crazed warbands against Strom itself.

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yes cause the high elves where already fighting

Yes, the High Elves were already fighting the Trolls.
And they convinced the humans to join out of a possible future.

unstrider led the high elven fleets across the world for many long years. Their goal was to find places of considerable ley power for them to build their new homeland. After landing on the [Lordaeron] continent, they moved inland and formed a settlement in the [Tirisfal Glades]. After a few years, however, many were driven insane. The belief at the time was that something evil slept beneath the Glades, so the high elves abandoned the region and moved northwards. They wandered the land for years.

they already meet the humans before that, seriously read the chron your lack of understanding the lore annoys me

Nobody is denying that…

Dude, you’re the one who needs it quoted to you.

and thats my point, the highelves settled on humans lands, and they didn’t attack anyone, you know why? Cause they talked, it out

They didn’t talk anything out. They decided against settling in Tirisfal because as they tapped the leylines there they came across dark magic that drove them mad.

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they where there for years

and rarely interacted with the humans who lived there. No “talking it out” or anything. That came later.

In fact, as far as human and High Elf interactions go, we know two things: when the High Elves ventured further north, some of the primitive human tribes helped them out of pity, and that High Elves generally treated humans hardly better than trolls did, which is why Thoradin hesitated to grant them aid against the trolls until they convinced him that the trolls were the greater threat and also offered to teach them magic.

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I don’t think that would help either, because the players would remember.


There will always be people who get their jollies by trolling players in this way because they know that it’s punching the buttons of reactionaries like you. They’re probably reading your posts and chortiling at your reaction now.


Theramore is not something we “fist pump” over. Theramore had made itself a legitimate target in it’s role in supplying the Alliance offensive in the Barrens. That and the intelligence that the Alliance leadership ITSELF was meeting there made it a target that only an idiot would pass up on.

As for Gilneas, the Cataclysm made them both vulnerable and reestablished them as a threat to the Horde’s holdings in Lordaeron. Moving on them was a logical choice.


How long will the Alliance tolerate an Anduin without subverting him or replacing him? Greymane went against Anduin’s supposed peace wishes behind his back and wasn’t even as much censured for the gambit that cost the Alliance one of it’s last skyships. Your Anduins are people that only fools place faith in.

As for the Gathering, it’s clear that Anduin’s entire purpose was to introduce disruption by use of his agent, a puppet Menethil, clearly aimed at a subversive coup of the Forsaken government itself. What was done had to be done to contain the infection at it’s source.

I would not have credited him with that much intelligent cynicism and finesse.


So is Orgrimmer a legitimate Target aswell? Or any hub of Civilians a legitimate target IF a military action is started from that place? good to know.

This argument is…nonsense, it doesn´t make any sense at all. If it would be so easy, then everything is a target with a military presence there, and thats wrong.

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Jaina was not wrong for trying to drown Ogrimmar!


Civilians had been removed from Thermore.

[Ooops, not talking about Theramore were you…]

All wars have civilian casualties. The conventions allow you to attack military targets in cities if you to do everything you can to avoid civilian casualties. Both Jaina and Sylvanas were, in fact, attempting to just kill civilians.


I would say that today, destroying cities is generally seen, by definition, as excessive civilian casualties.

Back in WW II (which is, in fact. about the time the tools for destroying cities became available), There was a different attitude. Though it isn’t clear that all side weren’t using those tools by ignoring the conventions. Even in public they were using vague justification like “will to fight”, and in private many were actually just trying to kill the enemy population. (Since it was only back in WW I that it was showing that a mobilized civilian population was an asset in war.)

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